10 replies
Hey, I want to know more about affiliate marketing. I want to know what are the best products that I can sell through my Amazon account on this Christmas!

Can anyone help me?

#affiliate #marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Romeel Khan View Post

    Hey, I want to know more about affiliate marketing. I want to know what are the best products that I can sell through my Amazon account on this Christmas!

    Can anyone help me?

    do a search for say " Top 10 Christmas Gifts " or the like and select a few - not to hard.

    And im still laughing that you decide to try and cash in on THIS Christmas with a question here on the 13th of December. MY Christmas season started 3 months ago ( August 15th ) and is over in 5 days give or take. Just Saying
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Romeel Khan View Post

    Hey, I want to know more about affiliate marketing. I want to know what are the best products that I can sell through my Amazon account on this Christmas!

    Can anyone help me?

    You can either search for the top Christmas items for the year or search amazons top sellers
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11564813].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by Romeel Khan View Post

    Hey, I want to know more about affiliate marketing.
    Can anyone help me?

    Start off with a search here on the forum about affiliate marketing. Since you want to learn about Amazon you should look up Erica Stone on the Internet. She teaches about making money being a Amazon Affiliate. She also use to post here awhile back under a different name.

    Now for the bad news, as stated above your basically to late this year, for Christmas sales in 2019. However if you spend the proper amount of time building a solid site and getting buying traffic. You can have a great Season Next Year.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    The thing its not about finding the best products to promote ,its about knowing how to get traffic to that offers .You can heve the best products in the world this has no value if you dont drive enough traffic to it
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  • Profile picture of the author thedark
    Where do you promote the products ? Do you have a website ? Are visitors coming to your website ?

    Automatically add affiliate links in your website content with Auto Affiliate Links

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    First forget about Christmas. Research and decide on a niche. Decide on the strategy you will use, i.e. review site, top product site, etc. etc. Research your keywords and start building your site.

    There is more to it than what I mentioned, but those are the basics. If you apply yourself you should be up and running anywhere from a week to a month depending on how much time you can put into it.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author surfer30
    Start off with the search on the forum to start small, learn the basics before ang advanced strategies.

    1-Sign up to some blogs that teach "Affiliate marketing.
    Download their ebooks.

    2-Get to ask questions on quora.
    YouTube is Gold mine platform for answers

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    As mentioned above the search feature here on WF is a very useful research tool. You can find a lot of useful information, far more then you get from posting a single question.

    Also, as mentioned above it is really too late to do much for this Christmas shopping season but do not let that discourage you as people buy things online every day of the the year - and of course Amazon is the main place. A large percentage of people who are looking to by something go directly to Amazon!

    Best of luck to you!
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
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  • Profile picture of the author toysoldier80
    Beleive it or not they have a lightning deal section on Amazon which provides even further discounts on products and services already discounted. Right now that section has a "12 day of X mas" sale going on leading up to xmas so I believe there is about 5 or 6 days left.
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  • It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

    As mentioned above, to promote Christmas gifts maybe a little too late to only start now. Unless you're able to pull a rabbit out of the hat, and perform miracles, I doubt you'd be able to make any Christmas sales without a proper marketing strategy. A marketing strategy that should have been implemented four months ago.

    You may want to start selling easter eggs now already before the next four months ahead goes sailing by. The Christmas ship has already set sail months ago, and you're not on it.

    If you want to make sales online, then your marketing plan should be implemented long before you launch your online offer. That's just how sales are effectively made online.
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