Using google data to advertise on facebook ? behavioral cohort analysis for real estate business

by g0me2z
1 replies
Hello warriors!

I am going to start a FB adds campain to get some new leads and also to sell apartments in my area. I was wondering how can i precisely choose ppl who are actively looking for a flat to buy or more important has an apartment for sale? Is it possible to get those information from google analisys tools o r other companies can provide this kind of data ? How marketing companies can prepare a target audience group who are:
- 30+ year old
-looking for new apartment
-earns more than 5k / month
-has invested in the apartment in last 6 months
-did not have law problems
-do not have debts

Is it possible to get those information via a tool or i will have to prepare a complex 2 steps strategy which will include some click bite title art on fb witch redirect it to my landing page to collect some data ?
I was tring to set the fb campain but the group for target is like half population of my city and i would like to cut off some ppl and send some kind a personalised add.

Please help. How would you start with such case ?

Thank you for any advise.
#advertise #analysis #behavioral #business #cohort #data #estate #facebook #google #real
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Moved to the beginner section - you are asking for a full tutorial in one forum post. Use the forum search to find threads on lead generaiton, FB ads, target markets, etc.
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