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hi there, I am working on a project for a brand collaboration but don't understand how to go about making a proposal, so to explain how the my brand and the brand we're partnering with can make a profit off of this partnership. can someone give me an explanation of how a brand collaboration would work in my scenario.

I work for a purse company and we want to partner with a iPhone case company to do a collaboration. we are known for our seasonal prints and we were thinking of having the iPhone case company do a phone case with our print and we would do that print on our bags as well. we would sell that bag and iPhone on our site and we would want the iPhone case company to sell our bag and the case we designed together on their site as well. how would I go about proposing a financial model in terms of both sides making a profit out of this?
#brand #collaborations
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by want2know2 View Post

    so to explain how the my brand and the brand we're partnering with can make a profit off of this partnership. can someone give me an explanation of how a brand collaboration would work in my scenario.
    I am going to throw you a curve ball here. You are pairing BRANDS... you are NOT joining a financial partnership.

    The value for both sides here is the crossing of REACH ( IE customer bases ), and not dollars.

    The value you can give then becomes the ability you would provide in CONTENT. A 360 Spin video of both your products. High end fashion shots of models with your purse and their case. Content that could then be placed in context on both of your assorted platforms to create conversions. THAT is the win win

    Again the Value on BOTH sides of this is REACH, and not sales - sharing BRAND with similar client bases.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author want2know2
      that's awesome feedback thank you!

      I'm talking more about them having to purchase our product from us at wholesale and reselling it on their site. or like paying them to do our design on their cases. we need them more than they need us so we want pitch them a partnership where they profit as well.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by want2know2 View Post

        I'm talking more about them having to purchase our product from us at wholesale and reselling it on their site. or like paying them to do our design on their cases. we need them more than they need us so we want pitch them a partnership where they profit as well.
        I understood what you were getting after, and so is the person on the other side of this deal. You are more interested in on-boarding a wholesale account and trying to be cute with how you go about it.

        The way i would go about this... i would approach them from the reverse angle... hey we are a small purse making business - we are good at THAT. we are looking to expand our product line and love your product. Would it be possible to set up a quick phone meeting to pursue the possibility of a small test run with one of our purse pattern designs on your cases?

        THIS plants the idea in their head... they goto your site and like what they see and maybe set up the call and offer what it is what you truly want, and thats THEM thinking its THEIR idea to wholesale the purses from you to match their patterns.

        At the end of the day, even if you only get 100 exclusive branded cases at wholesale from them - YOU are steps ahead. What happens in 2 months when you sold out of that one and ask for the next batch? There is NOW proof of concept no?

        The 2nd time around you can not so covertly make the suggestion that you could wholesale a purse with their pattern.

        Your approach now screams "whats in it for me" and you can smell it from a mile away... turn the idea to "whats in it for them" and the smell is a whole lot sweeter.

        Throw in the variable of time in this and dont stop at the one brand but get 100 exclusive cases from 3 or 4 brands and someone along the way will take notice.

        I know you are thinking of creating the sale now, but THIS is a long play to overall success vs, a small success now. The idea and concept is awesome - right now I am suggesting its the execution that needs work.. make it about THEM and you WILL end out on top.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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