Temporary rules
All posters must be 18 years old or older. All posts must be written in English.
1) No Political or Religious Threads & posts.
2) No Promotional Threads or Promotional Link Drops
3) No name and shame threads. If you have a issue with someone take it up with them
4) Posts must add value. It is up to Administrators and Moderators if they meet this criteria
5) Posts should use standard size text and colors.
6) If your post is removed do not question it in a new thread. It will be deleted.
7) All new threads are moderated. Please allow a reasonable amount of time to be approved. Duplicates threads will be deleted.
8) If you see a spam, political, religious or rude post . Please report it so it can be reviewed. Use the red triangle in the left hand side of a post.
10) Please reply to someone like you are having a one on one conversation in person.
11) Black hat methods not allowed
12) Signatures - Must direct to your own site. No affiliate links allowed.
13) No pornography threads or posts.
14) Advertising belongs in the Market Place only.
Note - These rules can be updated or changed at any time.