How often should i spread out my email swipes

by bm2282
4 replies
Hi i was wondering how often i should send out my email swipes, I have 8 of them and i know i will send the first one out after a subscriber subscribes and the second one i will send out 2 days later but i am not sure how to split up the rest of them. Sorry if this question has been brought up a million times but i checked in the search engine but all it said was that my search was to common.
#email #spread #swipes
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    first of all: why only 8?
    You can not expect great things to happen if you stop mailing your list after 8 emails?

    Nowadays people are getting lots of different emails every single day, just open your own inbox I believe you get mailed very often, am I right?

    Therefore this is your answer.. email your list as often as possible... at least once a day especially at the beginning when they just subscribed.

    However if you have absolutely nothing to say it doesn't make sense of course, and it's also not recommended to spam your list with random offers every day.. but as long as you can give them some value try to be on their mind as often as possible
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I see that most of the very successful ones email their list everyday so this is what you should do too.

    Email ONCE a week and people will FORGET about you very fast.
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  • Profile picture of the author woolabee
    Completely agree with the answers above. Shoot for 1 email a day. I personally send useful info in-between the swipes to keep users interested, so I am not just sending ad's everyday to them.

    You should always mix things up and test your results, so you can adjust as you go. I would also start writing a butt load of swipes.
    Affiliate Marketing Reviews before you buy.
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