Paid newsletter / sharing question

4 replies

I am considering creating a paid newsletter targeting a unique niche in my city: families with Home School kids.

Forgive the beginner question but how does MailChimp, Constant Contact, etc. providers prevent the subsequent sharing of the newsletter. For example, Paid Subscriber Sally sends it to 5 of her friends, who are not paid subscribers.

Thank you
#newsletter #paid #question #sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    The auto-responders SEND the emails/newsletters out - they don't guarantee security. You cannot prevent someone from 'sharing' but unlikely to be a significant problem.

    If you use google search to find

    home school resources

    you will see what the competition is for a potential newsletter. You may already have done that - don't know. Then the question becomes creating a paid newsletter that is competitive with the help/advice/training already available online.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
    I get the concern about sharing/theft, but from my vantage point if you're just getting a letter off the ground, it probably shouldn't rank especially high on your list of things to focus on/concern yourself with. FWIW, two of my favorite subscription writers, Ben Thompson and Bryne Hobart, somewhat address this by publishing 1 free article a week (out of 4 total), which they encourage folks to share. Obviously this model might not be applicable to you, but point is just that there are ways to use sharing to broaden your audience (include future paid subs). Ultimately it all starts with having a differentiated, high quality, high-demand letter...
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  • Profile picture of the author newsletter2021
    Thank you for the information everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I was scared of people stealing my valuable idea (unique inspiration) for YEARS so I didn't do anything with it.

    I was going to wait until I got all the legal copyrights and trademark handled. I was searching for ways to prevent sharing PDFs through Adobe security servers. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to keep people from copying and pasting or forwarding or making screenshots, etc. I looked for strict licensing contracts. I studied how intellectual property law worked.

    Then someone said something that changed me. He said something like "worry about getting something valuable out there that people want to steal. Then you'll know you have something worth protecting. Until then, you are wasting your time, money, and killing your own hopes and dreams with this incessant fear of theft."

    And he was right.

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