Totally frustrated with online businesses!

14 replies
Hi guys.
In the past 8 years, I have tried a number of online businesses - including blogging.
I have failed in all.
YouTube make money online videos really suck - they are one big scam.
I really want to succeed online, but no idea what to do now.
Would really appreciate some help.
#businesses #frustrated #online #totally
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    What have you tried - what did you do when you were 'trying' those methods? How long did you try each one? Complaining about what didn't work is a waste of time unless you identify WHY you didn't succeed. To help you do that, members here need to know what was done.

    YouTube make money online videos really suck
    If you are trying to sell a 'make money online' when YOU have not made money online yet's a tough slog.

    There are countless threads on this forum explaining almost every aspect of internet marketing...start reading. Good place to start might be in the Warrior Path section with the thread below:
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by Aarti Patel View Post

    YouTube make money online videos really suck - they are one big scam. Would really appreciate some help.
    Your post is very vague at best. If you have never made money online. How do you think your capable to teach others.. That's the same as trying to teach a doctor Brain Surgery with ever actually having done it.

    If you want to stick to Youtube, put videos up on something that you are an authority on. Just so you know most successful youtubers. Took a long time to build up to a thousand subscribers. That's what youtube requires before any monetization.

    To get a good idea what is involved with youtube. Take a look at the grind this member put in.
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  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Hi Aarti

    I believe that is the purpose of the forum, advice and support. Can you provide more detail? Which business models have you tried and what niches? How long did you spend on each model? Which did you enjoy? Special what kind of help are you seeking?

    I can understand it may be frustrating but the only way you fail is if you give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    The term "make money online" is so vague, and a lot of scammers have, well, to put it bluntly, abused it to bait rookies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Winner
    One thing that always confused me about affiliate marketing was people selling how to make money online in order to actually make money online, lol.

    But at the end of the day, it works, it sells, you have to play to win, and fake it until you make it.

    So if I were you, I'd started building an email list immediately in the make money online niche and use your 8 years of experience as your authority.

    You can offer a lot of value to newbies especially so don't worry if you don't feel qualified enough to sell MMO products. Most people that became successful online probably initially succeeded in the MMO niche. Ironically.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Capra
    Hello, So it has been kind of similar for me. I have had an eBay business that has been pretty successful but I've also tried a lot of things on the side that never really took off. I tried blogging first of all in like 2010 and that never went anywhere in terms of revenue. 2017 I bought like 5 websites that were just basically reposting other peoples work that failed in the end after I got my adsense blocked.

    Since last year though I had better luck with affiliate marketing and that is basically what I do now. My advice would be to try and focus on one website with social channels etc. Work on building a email list and learn how to properly use SEO and analytics.

    You sound like you have a lot of skills you could use from your past negative experiences so don't give up. You just need to find something that works.
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  • Profile picture of the author kriveculifestyle
    What have you try so far?

    Were you consistent?

    To succeed in your business is to be consistent and especially believe in yourself!
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    The problem many people have when they learn about this online marketing thing is that they don't know how to stick to one thing and make it work. This is something I've struggled with and sometimes still do.

    It's nice seeing all of the different ways to make money online, but you have to choose something you know you want to do and something you will stick to.

    The longer you stick with something the more you're going to learn what works and what doesn't on that platform. You have to stick with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by oppyeaunome View Post

      The problem many people have when they learn about this online marketing thing is that they don't know how to stick to one thing and make it work. .
      The longer you stick with something the more you're going to learn what works and what doesn't on that platform. You have to stick with it.
      In this case the Original Poster lasted only a few hours. She has not logged on since and most likely will never return.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Could that possibly explain why 'nothing works'?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Ten years ago, I met a mortgage broker, who scoffed when I told him I do internet marketing. You see, he'd done internet marketing for 2 years and had not gotten one client.

      The same day, a mortgage broker who had signed up with me a few weeks before had his first closing from my internet marketing. (10K closing too).

      I talked to him some more, could not get him to agree that it was his way of doing internet marketing that did not work... To this day, he tells all and sundry that internet marketing does not work for mortgage brokers.

      A lot of people on this forum are like him. Do not know if the OP is one of them, but there's a good chance the OP did not do some things right (maybe one), and that scuttled all their efforts and, instead of fixing that one thing (those things), they moved on to something else and repeated the process.

      Based on people I've talked to, the hardest thing about marketing is breaking down the steps, figuring out when each must be done (redone / tweaked) and then repeating / tweaking consistently.

      It's not jut affiliate marketers, either.

      I know another mortgage broker... the first few months he was in business, he placed ads in the big local paper. Each week, the paper wanted him to review his ad and confirm he wants it run again.

      Each weak, he changed something about the ad.

      One week, there were no calls. That's when they asked for my opinion.

      I asked them to show me all the ad variations and the list of calls.

      I had them run the ad that got them the most calls and, wonder of wonders, they got again a good number of calls.

      I thought I was done. But, no, the week after, they changed the ad again, and did not get a lot of calls.

      We talked again the week after, and I had them run again their best-performing ad. And it performed great again.

      Now, he got it.

      We've seen many post about someone making a few sales, then nothing and they did not know what happened and, after some talk, it turned out they had stopped doing something because it did not seem important now that they were making sale.

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Could that possibly explain why 'nothing works'?
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  • Profile picture of the author Arghya Sen
    I appreciate your efforts. There are a few questions and suggestions to get success for your online business.

    ** Do you know your competition?
    ** Protect Your Brand's Online Reputation
    ** Invest in a good internet connection
    ** Stay On Top of the Latest Trends
    ** Be Persistent
    ** Know When to Call It Quits

    If are you doing all of this accordingly then you do not move forward.

    Best of Luck
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  • Originally Posted by Aarti Patel View Post

    Hi guys.
    In the past 8 years, I have tried a number of online businesses - including blogging.
    I have failed in all.
    YouTube make money online videos really suck - they are one big scam.
    I really want to succeed online, but no idea what to do now.
    Would really appreciate some help.

    It's obvious all your obstacles were created by yourself. Mere symptoms of the bigger problem of a bad attitude and opportunistic mindset.

    It always comes back to your intentions. The headlines you write. The promises you make. The offers you promote. All directly affected by the mindset (intentions) of the person doing them.

    You can put a monster truck driver into a formula one car. It'll move. Slowly. Most likely never win a race.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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