starting to learn to make money online, how do you find the truth between the misleading info.

5 replies
Can anyone tell me how to decide what is good helpful information , or what is not. I must add. No wonder only 1% of people can make it when learning to make money on line . It is definitely a life lessen on a lot of topics. I sometimes think I am no further then where I was a year ago. Then someone opens my eyes with something to enlighten me and things change. The frustration is temporary just like the weather.
#find #info #learn #make #misleading #money #online #starting #truth
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Ask about the information from other people.

    If you have one source that says you can do x and get result a, maybe.

    If you have 30 sources telling you that if you can do x you get result a, far more likely.

    The sources, you have to learn to choose the right ones.

    Here, on this forum, there are some good ones and many not so good ones.

    The only way to learn which is which is to read a bunch of posts from all of them.

    It takes work.

    Originally Posted by Kittykatt View Post

    Can anyone tell me how to decide what is good helpful information , or what is not. I must add. No wonder only 1% of people can make it when learning to make money on line . It is definitely a life lessen on a lot of topics. I sometimes think I am no further then where I was a year ago. Then someone opens my eyes with something to enlighten me and things change. The frustration is temporary just like the weather.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Kittykatt View Post

    Can anyone tell me how to decide what is good helpful information , or what is not. I must add. No wonder only 1% of people can make it when learning to make money on line . It is definitely a life lessen on a lot of topics. I sometimes think I am no further then where I was a year ago. Then someone opens my eyes with something to enlighten me and things change. The frustration is temporary just like the weather.

    You seem to be the victim of information overload, listening
    to this one and that one, always looking for the next big thing.
    You are probably no further along than you were a year ago
    because you are making excuses and procrastinating, like
    a lot of people.

    There are a myriad of make money online methods and what
    works for one person may not work for someone else, for a
    number of reasons.

    Variables include things like a person's ability to focus their
    attention, having access to better computer systems, newer
    information, and possessing the ability to think outside the
    box to come up with new ideas.

    You should first assess your skills, research the fundamentals,
    use your best judgment and common sense, and then keep
    working at it until you develop something that works for you.
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  • When I started out, I spent a few months (yes months) just reading. I would jump from Neil Patel's videos to Bigger Pockets (for Real Estate brain dumps) and back. With time, all the hours spent on research did work out to be helpful. There is a reason Neil Patel makes it to the SERPs in most of his posts. Every time I lose my way, I email his team (from Ubersuggest), watch his videos, or read through his content to get back on track.

    You're not alone in feeling the frustration every now and then. Making money online takes patience, time, and a LOT of perseverance.
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  • Profile picture of the author leadcon
    A wonderful post. Too bad it doesn't get more coverage.

    The problem you just identified is a really important one. You've recognized that there is, to put it bluntly, a lot of bullshit content on the topic of online marketing or make money online. The problem is that many only repeat what others say. However, when the original source doesn't have a clue about the subject matter either, it becomes critical. The false information is thus passed on from person to person. In the worst case, you even have to pay for it.

    Unfortunately, there is no guarantee whether the information is good or bad. However, I can give you a few tips along the way: If the author has a certain reputation in the scene and also presents his work, then that is already a good sign. If certain statements of him are supported with statistics, it strengthens him even more.

    However, I doubt that the failure of 99% of the people who want to build their own online business is due to the mass of misinformation. I think it has more to do with lack of implementation, the shiny object syndrome and the problem of not focusing on one thing. Believe me, everyone has been in your position. Like you wrote, it's only temporary.

    I wish you all the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author JerrodGeren
    It can definitely be a challenge, and it's not surprising that many people struggle with it.
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