Am I being realistic in my investment thoughts?

8 replies
Are there any online businesses that are completely passive that someone like me can buy (ie. Flippa) and allow to generate money in the backround with no work on my end?

I have no experience in this sort of field and do no wish to spend the time to acquint myself with it if I dont have to. However, I am looking for a decent yielding investment.

Is it possible to hire a website builder, hire a person for content creating and seo?

My thought is purchase a website with opportunity to value add, then hire someone to run it and grow the website with time. Is that realistic?

If it is possible, how does one go about that process and what type of business model should I invest in?
Thank you for taking time to read this
#investment #realistic #thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    What if you wanted to invest in a bricks and mortar company? Or stocks and shares? Or real estate? Or collectibles? Or...just about anything? If you knew nothing about these areas, nor had any desire to learn about them, would you consider that a little risky?

    Investing in an online business is no different from that - except it's probably harder to find a trusted expert to hire. Other investment fields are long established, and you could research any existing investment service before hiring them. To an extent, you could rely on reputation.

    But unless you know something about the online market, how would you be able to guage whether you're hiring the right help? Do you know what goes into making a site profitable?

    To answer your question - yes, investing in an online business is potentially profitable. And you could simply provide the capital for the venture and have someone else grow it for you. But - how much do you trust your judgment or ability to find that partner?

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Profile picture of the author Seonogo25
      Very well put. Im an active investor in real estate and stocks. I should know better, but I just wanted to take a stab in the dark anyway.

      Now that Ive got that out of the way, I do have somewhat of an interest in seo, and affiliate marketing. I looked into e commerce and blog websites; e-commerce seems anything but passive.

      A blog website with value add and a combination of affiliate marketing seems like it could be passive after some time.

      This question is in regards to the first. If I wanted to slowly learn how to get into this space, what would be the best route to take in educating myself?

      Any specific youtubers, books, course, etc? Im not looking for an overnight method as I understand everything takes time.

      However, I would like to fasttrack the learning curve IF its possible. Thank you.
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by Seonogo25 View Post

        I looked into e commerce and blog websites; e-commerce seems anything but passive.
        A blog website with value add and a combination of affiliate marketing seems like it could be passive after some time.
        If I found a site that offered a passive income stream, my first question would be why is that site up for sale? Is the market seasonal or trend-driven? Has it been created to flip and front-loaded for short-term income? Does the owner have a legitimate and credible reason to sell?

        Personally, for any long-term investment, I'd gravitate toward an eCommerce site with a commodity-based inventory in a well-established market. It's the most like an offline business model, and finding suitably qualified management would be more straightforward.

        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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        • Profile picture of the author Seonogo25
          You know, I never thought about e-commerce that way but you bring up a very valid point. It can definitely be treated like an offline business model.

          Also I appreciate that questions one should ask themselves regarding a site that does say passive income stream. Its something I should be very weary about.

          I will take all that into consideration, thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If Affiliate marketing is what you are interested in, start with the link below and then learn to use this forum's 'advanced search' to find more relevant info on selling as an affiliate marketer.

    Read through some of the 'warrior path' threads to get an idea of what online marketers DO. The time frame of the learning curve is up to you.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author Seonogo25
      Thank you for this. I will begin digging in
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Also here -

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      If Affiliate marketing is what you are interested in, start with the link below and then learn to use this forum's 'advanced search' to find more relevant info on selling as an affiliate marketer.

      Read through some of the 'warrior path' threads to get an idea of what online marketers DO. The time frame of the learning curve is up to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Affiliate marketing with SEO is probably the closest you can get to passive income. If you're starting from scratch it certainly isn't passive. It requires time and effort just like any othe business. Before you buy anything of Fiverr make sure you complete your due diligence. There are a few scams as well as businesses which aren't long term sustainable.
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