Big change in ranks over past 3 weeks

2 replies
Greetings to all,

I have been optimizing my website and checking google uk placements for a few months now

On mid December something strange happened

Mid November my strongest keyword was 2nd on 2nd page and my other keywords where 3rd, 5th, 6th on 2nd page of results

on 19 December all keywords moved to 1st page! Strongest on 5th place and the rest from 5th to 9th

Few days latter strongest keyword was on3rd page and the rest felt to oblivion (4th, 5th page etc)

At the moment Strongest Keyword in on 2nd page 5th and the rest on 3rd or 4th page

I know that around the time of improvement in placements google finished the product review update. Do you think it has something to do? My website has nothing to do with product reviews...

At the same time i got some new links and straight after rankings dropped... I have no manual penalty from google

Does it all make sense?

Thanks for your time!

#big #change #past #ranks #weeks
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    How old is your site? How old are the pages that were ranking?

    Originally Posted by Helen Lance View Post

    Greetings to all,

    I have been optimizing my website and checking google uk placements for a few months now

    On mid December something strange happened

    Mid November my strongest keyword was 2nd on 2nd page and my other keywords where 3rd, 5th, 6th on 2nd page of results

    on 19 December all keywords moved to 1st page! Strongest on 5th place and the rest from 5th to 9th

    Few days latter strongest keyword was on3rd page and the rest felt to oblivion (4th, 5th page etc)

    At the moment Strongest Keyword in on 2nd page 5th and the rest on 3rd or 4th page

    I know that around the time of improvement in placements google finished the product review update. Do you think it has something to do? My website has nothing to do with product reviews...

    At the same time i got some new links and straight after rankings dropped... I have no manual penalty from google

    Does it all make sense?

    Thanks for your time!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11694209].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author reverseads
    Personally, I've never ever seen so frequent major updates in a year as it was in 2021. I think the last update was thrown around Christmas day.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11694232].message }}
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