What is allowed in Email campaign

9 replies
I am way new to this, I have a good niche, I think. My question is in my email campaign's can I let my readers know that my site will receive a commission no matter what is purchased? ie they click to see widget x and wind up buying widget z not advertised on my site. My site is to encourage to buy so we can give back a portion of their purchases no matter what that purchase is.

Thank you and pardon me if this is way dumbed down.
#allowed #campaign #email
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    How would you earn a commission on widget z if it's not on your site?

    If you want to leave a disclaimer in your email messages that say you may earn a commission if they buy from the links you drop you can do that. Many people do that on blogs where they have affiliate links.
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    • Profile picture of the author FaddleRattle
      I may misunderstand how the Amazon program works. If someone goes in through my site, and clicked on a link to Amazon, no matter the purchase (as long as they click through my site) I would get the commission correct? Is it okay to let them know that? I have a giant network I hope to tap into. I want to funnel all of their Amazon buys through my site whether it is advertised or not on my site. Is that going to be problematic with Amazon if I send that out in my emails and social media campaigns?
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by FaddleRattle View Post

        I may misunderstand how the Amazon program works. Is it okay to let them know that?
        What does Amazon say about telling them you earn commissions. You need to visit the terms of service. They specifically cover that in #5 on the site. Here is the link - https://affiliate-program.amazon.com...ting/agreement

        Next just in case you do not follow Amazon rules - Term and Termination
        The term of this Agreement will begin upon your registration for or use of the Associates Site. Either you or we may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause

        They will shut you down and ban your account and you won't win an appeal.
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    • Profile picture of the author FaddleRattle
      And thank you for your response Randall.
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  • Nevah tell anywan to DIE.

    That is yr baseline offah, an' you can scale up from here till'n they decide you bein' unreasonable.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If someone goes in through my site, and clicked on a link to Amazon, no matter the purchase (as long as they click through my site) I would get the commission correct?

    Yes - and yes, you should have a disclaimer that says 'if you buy through on this site, we may be paid a commission' (better wording than that, of course.)

    can give back a portion of their purchases

    That is confusing - and may be against Amazon affiliate TOS. Amazon commissions are low - can't see that idea as viable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maximalist SEO
    Email campaigns can include a wide range of content, from promotional messages to product updates and sales pitches. While some elements are required for effective email marketing, others may be more controversial or risky. Its important to get subscribers first before sending direct emails. Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    BEFORE you go any farther with your plan - PLEASE carefully check Amazon rules for advertising Amazon links.

    I didn't double check it - but I don't think you are ALLOWED to send Amazon links by email. Also, for the 'will earn money' disclaimer you can find one for affiliates to use on Amazon.

    When you started this thread it was not clear you were talking about Amazon affiliate commissions....and the rules for those links are strict.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Klara Pelhe
    If you want to see some results from this activity, you need first to clarify a bit your offer, especially if you plan to promote it through emails, as your leads need to know what you meant exactly and how they can profit from purchasing something on your site. You mentioned that some products aren't present on your site but users can still make some kind of commissions from them, and that has to be stated clearly in the mail, you can place a link to the affiliate page, or give them some affiliate links that you want them to promote directly, as this way the processes will be more straight forward and you'll definitely achieve more in terms of replying rates and getting an overall conversions.
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