How to sell to every email subscriber even they are moving chaotic in my email automation

3 replies

I m having this problem for years.

This is how the things are:

- I have 10 digital products (ebooks) to sell on my website
- I have an a good responsive email list and I m selling those products to that list
- I have email sequences with approx 20 - 25 emails each to sell every ebook to the list - something like Sequence 1 is selling Ebook 1, Sequence 2 is selling Ebook 2 etc.
- I have an automation system so when someone is subscribing, he will theoretically go to each email sequence
- If the subscriber is buying Ebook 1, he will pe put in the Sequence 2 for Ebook 2
- If he isn t buying, he will be put in the next Sequence 2 after the last email from Sequence 1

My problems are when:

- website visitors buying Ebook 5. My system it will put this client in Sequence 6. So that client will not be in touch with the marketing from Sequence 1 to 4.
- subscriber in Sequence 1 is not buying Ebook 1 but is buying Ebook 7. So he will pe put in Sequence 8, without being in touch with Sequence 2 to 6

There is any course / book / seminar etc. that will teach how to make a good strategy for this kind of situation?

There is any Email Marketing platform that can perform some automation so I can put those visitors / subscribers back in the right sequence?
#automation #chaotic #email #moving #sell #subscriber
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    What email platform are you currently using?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11743677].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kaisersoze
      I m using ConvertKit right now, but I will swtich the platform to whatever is doing the job,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11743690].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
        Originally Posted by kaisersoze View Post

        I m using ConvertKit right now, but I will swtich the platform to whatever is doing the job,

        ah okay, I'm certainly not an email sequence automation expert to be honest, but from what I know and saw a few years ago for example is that getresponse has quite a lot automation features...

        maybe an idea would be that you ask their support team for example if it would be possible to do the job of your requirements before you upgrade to a paid plan
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11743813].message }}
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