How to become an internet joint venture broker?

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#broker #internet #joint #venture
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Not surprising if you google your title you see 'easiest way to make money online'...sure, it is.

    Sounds easy - you don't have to mess with products or SEO or websites or mailing lists...right?

    This is presented online as a 'great opportunity for fast easy money'....which makes me say 'splorf'.

    If you have a deep, well groomed list of contacts that are willing to entertain your ideas and cut you in on the action...or if you have a good track record as an expert in a particular field - it can work very well. If you don't have significant contacts that already know and trust you, I wouldn't even think about trying this.

    It's not possible to learn the ins and outs of a full business model in a forum post...but a google search will teach you a lot about the potential broker idea.
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