Earning Starter Money, A First Start

13 replies
Hi, it's been 2 months since I started digital marketing and my initial idea was to use pinterest to generate traffic for the sales page, but so far I haven't sold anything, so I decided to change my strategy and instead of selling as an affiliate I decided to try print on demand . I've already opened my store, made some products, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea or I should keep trying to sell as an affiliate, apart from that I don't know if they're going to charge my card for each printful order I still don't know how this platform works, so I thought it was better to just take the risk, but if you can give me any advice I would be very grateful
#earning #money #start #starter
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    First - kudos to you for DOING SOMETHING!

    Now -

    I don't know if they're going to charge my card for each printful order I still don't know how this platform works

    There is a full page on the printful site titled 'how Printful works' - you need to know what charges there are and when they are charged. Take the time to learn the platform.

    You are on your second 'idea' in two months - do your have some sort of business plan in mine - do you have money to invest in your business? - what is your experience online - in selling? Do you have a site or blog....content? What are your goals?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author DarK BunnY
      My plan is to get money to invest in PLR I live in Brazil and there's a guy called Finch he made 100 million in 45 days I'm one of his students I need money to apply everything he teaches. Now I can't invest in on Facebook so my plan is to make money on organic to start creating and selling plr. So I thought the best way would be to use pinterest to sell as an affiliate ou print on demand.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by DarK BunnY View Post

        My plan is to get money to invest in PLR I live in Brazil and there's a guy called Finch he made 100 million in 45 days I'm one of his students I need money to apply everything he teaches. Now I can't invest in on Facebook so my plan is to make money on organic to start creating and selling plr. So I thought the best way would be to use pinterest to sell as an affiliate ou print on demand.
        100 million?

        100 million WHAT?

        US Dollars?

        I doubt it.

        What discernment do you have? How long have you been studying IM?

        Not to step on your dreams. However, PLR has in my experience been a low money play. And if you're selling something a bunch of other people are selling, you're not standing out, are you.

        It's easy to say "I made a ton of money" and share (faked) screenshots of bank accounts alongside rented lambos and mansions.

        Be careful in chosing the thing you sell.

        Selling anything takes the same process. Whether it's a $10 thing or a $100MM thing, you have to do the same steps to get there. So choose the price tag of the thing you're selling with care. At this level, you have to do the same amount of work regardless of the price.
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        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
          Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

          Not to step on your dreams. However, PLR has in my experience been a low money play. And if you're selling something a bunch of other people are selling, you're not standing out, are you.

          There's a lady, an old-time IMer, who says that she has made
          millions from selling PLR, and I tend to believe her, but she's
          been at it for years and who knows how long her list is.

          I don't know what the future of selling content is now, when
          people can just get an A.I. to develop it for next to nothing.

          I certainly won't buy any PLR again, that's for sure.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
            Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

            There's a lady, an old-time IMer, who says that she has made
            millions from selling PLR, and I tend to believe her, but she's
            been at it for years and who knows how long her list is.

            I don't know what the future of selling content is now, when
            people can just get an A.I. to develop it for next to nothing.

            I certainly won't buy any PLR again, that's for sure.
            Yes if it was Barb Ling or someone similar who has been steadily in the game for a long time I'd believe it. I ran the math yesterday for fun and if you did 6 launches a year at $20 a package and pulled in a hundred new buyers through your affiliates... and your past buyers bought 6 of your packages on autopilot so LTV is $120 and you're not fighting for the majority of the 300 or so customers per launch you need every time... you could well do $1MM in sales over 5 years.

            How much would you keep? Well it's probably enough to maintain an OK lifestyle...$200K revenue per year minus commissions, cost of product development, infrastructure (hosting/domains, autoresponder, copywriting etc.)... let's say 30% so $60K a year and you're not killing yourself working. But you do have to keep a step ahead of the market and continue coming up with new content.

            This doesn't figure in upsells, ascension, cross sells and other revenue sources possible from getting that customer. You could get to $100K/year pre tax without too much trouble IMO.

            However, and it's a BIG HOWEVER, most people lack the sticktoitiveness to get there. At the front end are at least one or two years of struggling, putting the pieces together, developing the affiliate relationships, where you make next to nothing to around $30K. Who wants to live through that?
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            • Profile picture of the author Monetize
              Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

              Yes if it was Barb Ling or someone similar

              It was somebody in that group. I don't know how they
              operate their PLR business, whether they do periodic
              launches throughout the year or what.

              One of them bombards people with daily emails and
              she has a PLR shopping cart site, so she probably
              makes $400-$500 every day.

              All your calculations are great, but I never analyze
              things that deep. I just conclude whether there is
              money to be made and go for it.

              I do have sticktoitiveness though, one of my teachers
              told me I had it, way back in the day and I still have
              it now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    you need to study everything well and only then start

    I didn't say that - I'm all for starting but also for learning as you go. You can't run a business if you don't understand what you are paying for and when - what you are earning and how.

    Where are you advertising - are you specializing on topics with your print on demand. What will set you apart from similar sites?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by DarK BunnY View Post

    Hi, it's been 2 months since I started digital marketing and my initial idea was to use pinterest to generate traffic for the sales page, but so far I haven't sold anything, so I decided to change my strategy and instead of selling as an affiliate I decided to try print on demand . I've already opened my store, made some products, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea or I should keep trying to sell as an affiliate, apart from that I don't know if they're going to charge my card for each printful order I still don't know how this platform works, so I thought it was better to just take the risk, but if you can give me any advice I would be very grateful

    If you are taking a course from Finch that made $100M
    in 45 days, then you should have made some sales.

    All of these questions that you are asking here, those
    questions should be addressed to Finch, don't you
    think so?

    How many pins did you make, because most people
    that are successful on Pinterest are making a hundred
    to several hundred pins each day.

    Continue to come to this forum and read through some
    of the posts that interest you, until you can figure out
    a real way to make money online. It can be done but
    I don't think I would use the Finch method.
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    • Profile picture of the author DarK BunnY
      Even though I'm a student, I can't use anything from his course, because everything needs money. Buy and Hire, plus the strategy he teaches needs to use Facebook Ads
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by DarK BunnY View Post

        Even though I'm a student, I can't use anything from his course, because everything needs money. Buy and Hire, plus the strategy he teaches needs to use Facebook Ads

        All of that is great about Finch, he seems like the
        typical digital marketing guru, but the fact remains
        that you took a course from him and now you are
        at a loss, because everything he taught requires
        money to get started.

        You started Pinterest, but nothing materialized so
        you tried Printful but you don't know how it works.

        You are in the same position that most of us were
        in when we first got started. This is normal. Except
        some of us started a couple of decades ago when
        things were not so saturated.

        You didn't reply to my question about the number
        of pins you were making. There are millions of pins
        being posted each day, so you can't just put a few
        pins on there and expect to get any traffic.

        I don't know what you are trying to sell or what you
        have access to in Brazil. You need to assess what
        is available to you and devise a plan of something
        you can do, preferably things that are no/low cost.

        Some suggestions are:

        Use Canva to make pins. You can make a master
        pin and duplicate that, makes changes, and keep
        making more pins quick and easy.

        You can post gigs on Fiverr, but you will then need
        to drive your own traffic to them because Fiverr is
        highly competitive now.

        You can start or join a FB group, and try to promote
        yourself there.

        You can make YouTube and TikTok videos to drive
        traffic and make sales.

        You can develop websites and sell them at Flippa
        and other platforms.

        You can sell digital downloads at Etsy or another
        storefront that has low fees.

        If none of these would work for you, then you can
        research and read about making money online.

        There are dozens of ways to make money online.
        Take whatever you learned from Finch, combine
        it with other things and put your own spin on it.
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        • Profile picture of the author DarK BunnY
          I post 3 pins a day, my teacher, a woman who earned more than 1 million with pinterest recommended me not to be seen as a bot and to have the pins not recommended for the public.
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          • Profile picture of the author Monetize
            Originally Posted by DarK BunnY View Post

            I post 3 pins a day, my teacher, a woman who earned more than 1 million with pinterest recommended me not to be seen as a bot and to have the pins not recommended for the public.

            You seem to know a lot of millionaires.

            If you think that 3 pins a day is sufficient, carry on.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well if you change the method every 2 weeks you will not get far in online business
    I think you should dedicate at least 3 months to a method to see some results
    Also aff marketing its only about pinterest ,you have a lot of traffic sources to promote like : youtube ,facebook ,quora ,tiktok etc
    As an advice its to never give up .If you are a person who gives up easy then its not for you
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