42 replies
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and I'm hoping to learn more about finance and specifically "how to make money online" so I can help others do the same.
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and I'm hoping to learn more about finance and specifically "how to make money online" so I can help others do the same.


    There's about 250 ways to make money online so that's not really specific.

    Is there something in particular that you would like to know.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennisbick
      Could you please share them
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  • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
    Hi, yes I have several questions:

    1. How can I make money before the end of the week?

    2. Do I have to spend a lot of money to do it?

    3. How can I get people to subscribe to my newsletter?

    I know these are basic questions, but I'd like your opinion on the subject please?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11768715].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post

      Hi, yes I have several questions:

      1. How can I make money before the end of the week?

      2. Do I have to spend a lot of money to do it?

      3. How can I get people to subscribe to my newsletter?

      I know these are basic questions, but I'd like your opinion on the subject please?

      You newbies are hilarious and you have given me a
      really good laugh so thank you for that.

      Money by the end of the week?

      Make a TikTok video and hope it goes viral so millions
      of people will send you a dollar.

      Get a job waiting tables or something.

      Or maybe you could win the lottery.

      I don't know whether you will need to spend a lot of
      money since I have no idea what your plan is.

      I started my first internet business selling on eBay
      with $50. After that I devised ways of not having to
      maintain inventory.

      Google ways to promote your newsletter.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11768722].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
        I know it's almost impossible to make money in a week, but if I'm lucky I might get my first dollar soon.

        I'm going to try out a few things and I'll let you know if I make any money before then.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11768727].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post

      Hi, yes I have several questions:
      1. How can I make money before the end of the week?
      2. Do I have to spend a lot of money to do it?3. How can I get people to subscribe to my newsletter?I know these are basic questions, but I'd like your opinion on the subject please?
      1. Sell your TV. No cost, sign on it on porch or in window, take whatever you can for it.

      There. You have money before the week has ended.

      2. NO. Paper sign on TV, 4 SALE- 25 BUX. Or lower for faster sale.

      3. See, this is the revelation...How can I get people to subscribe. No one has ever gotten me to subscribe, although, I've had maybe over 1,000 subscriptions over the decades, all because I WANTED to.

      You are showing the typical newbie sigil, a flag full of ME, I, I want, I, I, I, etc.

      Also, forget the do-gooder hat for now. You are probably not in a position to help anyone, help yourself first.

      So, what will you do with that 25 bux you get from the TV? Maybe that will help you get off to a better start...invest it in some assessments and find out what you might be naturally good at.

      Fastest money= sell something you already have for dirt cheap.

      Long time recurring living income = provide value to an X number of people and continue to do so.

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      • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
        Thank you for your answer GordonJ, I'll do my best to follow your advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    1. How can I make money before the end of the week?
    You can't. Questions should have some relationship to reality.

    3. How can I get people to subscribe to my newsletter?
    Do you have a newsletter? What's it about? How long have you had it? How many people are on your mailing list? What is the benefit of subscribing to your newsletter?

    I'd like your opinion on the subject please
    Not sure what the subject is - at least not yet. What have you done so far - what IM method will you use or are you using? What are your skills?

    Not trying to be mean or rude - but the idea that you can ask how to make money THIS week...would indicate you don't know much about internet marketing. To help you move forward, we need to know where you ARE now.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11768721].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
      Hi Kay king, yes I have already created my newsletter and my goal is to give maximum value on personal finance such as "How to save money at all and in the long run". However, I'm tired of saving, I would like to get a lot more money so I can afford what I want in life.

      I've already read quite a few articles on the subject, but I just can't seem to make any money. I think I'm not following the right methods. What's more, I'm a reserved person and don't like to put myself forward, which can cause serious credibility problems.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11768729].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post

        Hi Kay king, yes I have already created my newsletter and my goal is to give maximum value on personal finance such as "How to save money at all and in the long run". However, I'm tired of saving, I would like to get a lot more money so I can afford what I want in life.

        I've already read quite a few articles on the subject, but I just can't seem to make any money. I think I'm not following the right methods. What's more, I'm a reserved person and don't like to put myself forward, which can cause serious credibility problems.

        Telling us that you need money by the weekend is not
        reasonable and you are not the first to do that. People
        come on here quite often to say that they need money
        right away. It takes time to get things set up online and
        nothing works if a person is desperate and grasping
        at straws because they can't even think straight.

        When you can come on this forum and engage with
        well-thought-out questions, and you have time to read
        the threads, read books, watch YouTubes about online
        and passive income, work at home side hustles, etc.
        you'll eventually develop a strategy that works for you.

        In the meanwhile do whatever it takes to earn some
        money until you can figure something out.
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        • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
          Thank you for your valuable advice. I'm going to start by educating myself more so I can get my first dollars. Once I've gained enough experience and reached my goal, I'll come back here to post new topics, to help other members do the same.

          In any case, the first thing I'm going to do is read everything about money in this forum and I'll look at the others later...

          Thank you to everyone who replied to my message.

          See you soon!
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          • Profile picture of the author Monetize
            Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post

            Thank you for your valuable advice. I'm going to start by educating myself more so I can get my first dollars. Once I've gained enough experience and reached my goal, I'll come back here to post new topics, to help other members do the same.

            In any case, the first thing I'm going to do is read everything about money in this forum and I'll look at the others later...

            Thank you to everyone who replied to my message.

            See you soon!

            You are more than welcome and I'm glad that I
            could help.

            I was just on Amazon and if you search the Kindle
            section for "passive income" then sort price from
            low to high, you can find ebooks that are free and
            there are ones for 99¢.

            You may get information overwhelm with all the
            different money making methods, but if you stay
            focused on things that you already know how to
            do, are familiar with, or things you can learn, you
            should be able to find actionable methods to get
            started with.

            There's a setting on desktop Kindle where you
            can have it read aloud, if you don't like to sit
            around and read books like me.
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            • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
              Thank you again, I'm going to head over to Amazon and see if I can find some e-books to educate myself further. I have created a blog on the blogger platform, I will make one on WordPress once I get my first dollars online.
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      • Profile picture of the author SARubin
        Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post

        I have already created my newsletter and my goal is to give maximum value on personal finance such as "How to save money at all and in the long run". However, I'm tired of saving, I would like to get a lot more money so I can afford what I want in life.

        I've already read quite a few articles on the subject, but I just can't seem to make any money. I think I'm not following the right methods. What's more, I'm a reserved person and don't like to put myself forward, which can cause serious credibility problems.
        As far as being a reserved person... That has little to do with credibility. Many introverts become highly respected in their fields of endeavor. And many more become wealthy.

        The bigger issue I see, and I don't want to read too deeply into your motives here, but you seem to have a serious conflict of interest within your own head...

        In one sentence you say you're going to teach people how to save money, and in the very next sentence you say you are "tired of saving".

        Can you see the conflict in trying to teach people something that you clearly don't even want in your own life? This can lead to credibility problems.

        I suggest you figure out what you really do believe in first, or I feel you'll be back here in a year asking why you still haven't made any money yet.

        Grow Your Copywriting Skills & Network with Other Copywriting Professionals - Join us at the Copywriters Forum

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        • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
          I know how to save money because that's all I've done all my life, so I think I have the skills to help people with that. However, I'm sick of saving, but it would be a pleasure to help other people spend less money and manage their budget better. I'm getting on in years, so I want to enjoy life and not have to dip into my savings. I know exactly what I want, so don't worry about me. If I can't make any money by next year, that's fine, but I'd like to try and earn a few extra dollars each month, so I can use them to reinvest in my projects...
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    hmm that sounds like you are still relatively at the beginning of your journey. The difficulty in your position is first of all to unlearn everything you think you know about making money online. and that's not so easy when you constantly see these youtube videos or sales pages with the biggest hype headlines. Which is of course why you asked the question how you manage to make money at the end of the week.

    so we need to take your head and reset it to factory settings for once.

    just imagine the internet wouldn't exist. how would you get money then? right, you would probably go to work, and then you get paid. and that's how it works online too at the beginning, unfortunately, only with the added difficulty that you do things online and put time into it, where in the end you won't even get paid for sure, but only if you do the right things.

    and yes, if you don't want to spend hours or years teaching yourself everything, then you will have to invest money in courses/mentors that show you how to do it faster.
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    • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
      Yes, I've just started my apprenticeship, but I can assure you that I'm highly motivated and ready to put in the work day and night if need be.

      I think I can tell the difference between a scam and reality when it comes to making money online, but some people still manage to make money quickly after a few weeks and I want to be one of those people.

      I've just bought a few ebooks on Amazon and I'm going to read them carefully, to get more information on this subject.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I think I can tell the difference between a scam and reality when it comes to making money online, but some people still manage to make money quickly after a few weeks and I want to be one of those people.
    If you are going to post - please put your cursor over your forum name in black toolbar above - and then click on 'view classic' - that changes your forum view from a 'feed view' to a 'discussion style'. Then you can quote the person you are answering rather than just post one thing after another.

    That you believe 'some people make money after a few weeks' tells me you are not really taking in what people are telling you. That's fine - a very few people do make money quickly.

    The one book on Amazon that I would recommend is "Launch" by Jeff Walker. If nothing else it will give you a realistic idea of the WORK involved in making money online. It is by someone who has 'been there and done that' rather than by someone writing a book to make money.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    You don't have to work day and night. Once you get a plan,
    if you will just work on a project for 2 to 4 hours consistently
    every day, you should be able to get things going, but I am
    not making any promises and it depends how you monetize.

    There are YouTubers teaching people how to save money,
    be frugal, manage their budget, etc.

    They are selling budget trackers and envelopes, no-spend
    trackers, and other money management tools.

    I don't follow the topic that closely so I'm not sure exactly
    what they are doing right now, but I have seen this done
    over the years.

    Then there's world-famous Mary Hunt who has written
    several books on being frugal, she sends newsletters
    with budget friendly household tips, recipes, and advice
    about being a cheapskate.

    I think she monetizes with Amazon Associates and she
    has a paid membership program and her book sales.

    I think you may be on to something and I hope it works
    for you, whatever you decide to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author marshray
    Well, there are several ways through which you can earn money. You can enter the ad arbitrage business, pinterest marketing if you're in UAE, you can start from local selling (when I visited it I was surprised how profitable it was). If you're a passionate writer, you can look for clients and provide them with your services. There are tons of ways but you need to find which one you want to select.
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  • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney
    Kay King

    Like everyone else, I want to earn money, but I didn't say I wanted to earn $10,000 in a week. $1 would be more than enough to get me started. I know that making money won't happen overnight, which is why I'm educating myself by reading ebooks on online enrichment. Thank you for your advice. I'm going to get the book to improve further. Incidentally, I have created a blog but it turns out to be a free blog on blogger. Once I start earning money, I'll invest it to create a better WordPress site.


    I work at least 6 hours every day on my online projects. As I'm just starting out, I prefer to work until things fall into place automatically. I don't know yet what products I'm going to create but I think it will be an ebook because I know how to help people save money as I've already done it several times successfully.


    My goal is to earn money passively and not by using time. I think I'll concentrate on advertising, affiliates, creating digital products, etc... As for coaching or anything that requires you to work a certain number of hours to earn a salary, I'd rather put that aside and concentrate on what I could earn even in my sleep.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post


      I work at least 6 hours every day on my online projects. As I'm just starting out, I prefer to work until things fall into place automatically. I don't know yet what products I'm going to create but I think it will be an ebook because I know how to help people save money as I've already done it several times successfully.

      You can do whatever you want, and spending 6 hours
      a day working on your business is fantastic if you are
      doing productive activities that you are fairly certain
      will generate income.

      If you are just doing make-work things then you are
      spinning your wheels and wasting your time.

      Ebooks are great, but you need to be aware that you
      are unlikely to find success with ONE (1) ebook.

      As a beginner you will need to publish a set. That can
      be 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, etc. That's how you can make
      money with ebooks.

      If you can turn out an ebook in 6-12 hours, and do it
      on a consistent basis for 3 or 4 months, you will get
      somewhere with ebooks.

      The reason for this is because ebooks are saturated
      and highly competitive because there are millions of
      other people publishing ebooks now.

      Then there are the blank books, journals, trackers,
      planners, coloring books, and on and on.

      But don't take my word for it, find out for yourself.

      I think that you are on the right track, you probably
      require an action plan to produce results.

      BTW, please follow Kay King's instructions. She is
      a forum moderator she's not just a fellow member.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769049].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
        Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

        BTW, please follow Kay King's instructions. She is
        a forum moderator she's not just a fellow member.

        wait a second, Kay King is a woman? lol didn't know that xD always thought its a man

        one never stops learning
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769051].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
          Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

          wait a second, Kay King is a woman? lol didn't know that xD always thought its a man

          one never stops learning

          Yes. As am I, and DWolfe, and some others.

          Kay posted something about who all were women on the forum.

          If you think that everybody in IM is a man, you probably need to check yourself.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769052].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
            Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

            Yes. As am I, and DWolfe, and some others.
            Don's a woman? Does he know that?

            Actually, keep it to yourself, but the mods are really androids.

            Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769056].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Monetize
              Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

              Don's a woman? Does he know that?

              Actually, keep it to yourself, but the mods are really androids.

              You people are hilarious.

              I thought I read that DWolfe was a woman.

              I apologize that I misgendered you DWolfe.

              Have a nice day.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769059].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
            Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

            Yes. As am I, and DWolfe, and some others.

            Kay posted something about who all were women on the forum.

            If you think that everybody in IM is a man, you probably need to check yourself.

            you too?? crazyyy ,I'm so sorry haha
            maybe its because this forum looks so masculine in combination with your neutral names here....

            and no I don't think that, I know and saw many woman in the IM world already
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769364].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Monetize
              Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

              you too?? crazyyy ,I'm so sorry haha
              maybe its because this forum looks so masculine in combination with your neutral names here....

              and no I don't think that, I know and saw many woman in the IM world already

              I'll be sure to choose an effeminate forum handle next time.

              Something like MissPriss or FemmeLethale.

              That way people won't address me as man, dude or bro.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769374].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
                Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

                I'll be sure to choose an effeminate forum handle next time.

                Something like MissPriss or FemmeLethale.

                That way people won't address me as man, dude or bro.

                Thanks that would be very kind
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769486].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      Don's a woman? Does he know that?

      Nope news to me, never knew that

      Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post

      Like everyone else, I want to earn money, but I didn't say I wanted to earn $10,000 in a week. $1 would be more than enough to get me started.
      Look up savidge4 on the forum where he talks about documenting your journey. That way you build up followers. Here is the link then search his posts in his profile.

      You may want to start out writing on Medium, you can join there as a writer to start building up a profile. https://medium.com/
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Thanks for your introduction .This forum.is a hub with several people whom have knowledge and can guide you in the right direction.

    Feel free to ask questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney

    I do intend to write several ebooks, but that will come gradually. I've already started writing a few pages of my first ebook, and I'll send you a copy so that you can give me your opinion as soon as I've finished it. How many words do you advise me to include in each of my ebooks to be able to sell it effectively?


    I've already created a blog on blogger, but I don't know if it's really worth it. If all goes well and I manage to make some money from advertising or affiliation, I'll create a new blog by getting a domain name and choosing WordPress.org as my blogging platform.


    Yes, I see that I can indeed count on the members of the Warrior Forum. I'd like to thank all those who have helped me so far, and in time I think I'll be able to return the favor.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769119].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Don's a woman? Does he know that?

    Nope news to me, never knew that

    I'm relieved. I was worried all those times I said 'hey don...' I should have been saying "hey donna"
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769169].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Word count depends upon the topic. If your ebook is
    specific information or tips, people will want to get to
    the meat without reading through fluff.

    If I offered my ebook that tells people a specific way
    to make $20,000 every 60 days by doing one simple
    thing, I can sell that for a higher price than if I sell an
    instruction book about removing laundry stains.

    Word count will not matter because people want to
    know the money making method and they wouldn't
    complain if my ebook is a short read.

    As to Blogger, it doesn't matter where your content
    is located, what matters is whether people want it
    and whether they can find it.

    If you send a newsletter with links to your Blogger
    page, and your page has affiliate links (I'm not sure
    if Blogger allows affiliate links you need to check it
    out) or something else to make money, that is fine.

    Do what serves your purpose and whatever works.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769176].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney

    My ebook will help people save and earn money and I think I'll go with the 10,000 words to start with. Hopefully I'll be able to sell it as soon as it's finished. I think "blogger" allows affiliate links but I don't know if there are any limits on the number of links you can insert in an article. If I had to choose a web host to create my WordPress blog, which one would you recommend? I want a cheap and reliable one if possible?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11769226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by HowToEarnMoney View Post

      My ebook will help people save and earn money and I think I'll go with the 10,000 words to start with. Hopefully I'll be able to sell it as soon as it's finished. I think "blogger" allows affiliate links but I don't know if there are any limits on the number of links you can insert in an article. If I had to choose a web host to create my WordPress blog, which one would you recommend? I want a cheap and reliable one if possible?

      Do you already know how to develop a WordPress?

      It's not that complicated but if you don't know anything
      about developing, hosting, graphics, etc. it can become

      As to the price, you need to find something that is within
      your budget since this will be a monthly expense, unless
      you decide to pay for your hosting for the year.

      I would recommend to anyone just starting out, to keep
      expenses down until they start to generate some income
      because those monthly fees add up quick, and it's even
      worse when everything else has gotten more expensive.

      I use SiteGround for my WP hosting. This is a world-class
      company but you need to check the different WP hosting
      companies and find something that fits your budget.

      I also use HostGator for my regular HTML sites. This
      costs around $20 per month, and I would recommend it
      to anyone. They also have WP hosting, I'm sure that it
      is reasonable.

      As to Blogger, I set up a free site there back in the day
      when the free sites did not allow affiliate links or ads.
      I believe that Blogger lets you monetize with AdSense.

      You need to research all of this for yourself so that you
      know what's going on.

      10,000 words is fine if you can get all your information in
      there. Hopefully you will have something new that people
      never heard of before. You need to give people a reason
      to buy your ebook.

      You are welcome to send me the copy you offered, and
      I will tell you what I think about it. I don't sugarcoat things
      so don't send it to me if you cannot accept criticism.

      But I'm sure it will be great.
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  • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney

    I'm going to write down these 2 hostings on a piece of paper and as soon as I start getting some money I'll invest it in one of these sites so I can start my blog.

    I know how to create a blog on WordPress because I've already seen one of my friends do it.

    Don't worry I know how to take criticism and I'll send you a copy as soon as it's finished so I can get an honest opinion about my ebook.

    Have a nice day and see you soon! hate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rully
    Hello, and welcome to everyone. Here is definitely the place to learn more and if you have any questions I am sure there is someone ready to help you!

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  • Profile picture of the author HowToEarnMoney

    Welcome to the forum. Once I've decided to advertise I'll think of you.

    Mark Singletary

    The first thing I did as soon as I joined the forum was to read the rules. I'll do my best to answer the various questions I have the answers to...


    Since I signed up, many warriors have already helped me... I'll do my best to do the same and help my fellow man.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Shines
    Hello guys! I am new to this forum. I hope we can learn from each other. I am looking forward to have a harmonious relationship with you all.
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  • Profile picture of the author DuruK1595
    Hiii, newbie here too. Nice to meet you all. ^_^
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