(Affiliate Marketing)Need help on how to generate traffic and generate sale....

6 replies
Hello guy i am new in this forum and i have started affiliate marketing 5-months ago and i have not been able to generate even a single sale pls i need serious help on how i show do it even to get 1-sale, And the worse is that i am a student and is my last year in collage so i past only 2-hours every week in doing affiliate marketing. pls help i well real be tankful
#affiliate #generate #marketingneed #sale #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    i past only 2-hours every week in doing affiliate

    There is no 'magic' working online. Once you have a successful online business you might be able to work a few hours a week most of the time and still make a profit. 2 hrs a week is not enough to START and GROW a new business no matter what anyone tells you.

    My advice is to finish school and use that 2 hrs a week to LEARN about online business, learn methods to get traffic, how to choose products to promote and how to write ads, choosing a target market, etc. Spend 2 hrs reading sites/blogs that promote affiliate products to see how its done. Sign up for newsletters and email lists by those who are TEACHING how to 'do' affiliate marketing and learn the processes you need to know to do it successfuly.

    Then when you leave school - if affiliate marketing is your goal - do it full time with the knowledge you acquired this year.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by cabrel kamga View Post

    Hello guy i am new in this forum and i have started affiliate marketing 5-months ago and i have not been able to generate even a single sale pls i need serious help on how i show do it even to get 1-sale, And the worse is that i am a student and is my last year in collage so i past only 2-hours every week in doing affiliate marketing. pls help i well real be tankful

    You can make money with affiliate marketing, but as you
    have realized, you need a great product, preferably one
    that is evergreen and in demand.

    You also need traffic and sales, as well as having some
    idea of how to make it work.

    The quickest way to drive traffic to your affiliate links is
    by posting them on your YouTubes or other videos, and
    it helps if you already have an established account.

    You can also post your links to your TikTok, IG, FB, or
    wherever you have an account that allows links.

    If affiliate marketing won't work for you, there are dozens
    of other ways to make money online or working at home,
    you need to find something that you are capable of doing
    and being prosperous at.

    If you only have two hours to spend on any of this, then
    you need to work on your time management skills, and
    you also need to use A.I. to leverage your time.

    If you have any questions, post them here.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    do something that interests you. Lets say you like football for example in your free time. Then use your time and build something around that topic without thinking so much about making money.

    Just start an instagram account and post football related stuff (in this example). Grow your audience, engage as much as possible with other people and posts. You can also start a youtube channel and talk about your hobby etc.

    Try to attract as many people as possible who are interested in the same subject, provide value to them, deliver great and/or funny posts and once you got some true fans, you can think about what kind of product you could recommend to them and the sales will happen almost effortlessly since they are already your fans anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    It may sound paradoxical, but the more you obsess about how to "generate a sale", the harder it seems to get... yet once you shift mental gears and focus on how to "add value to a visitor", you magically begin to sell more.

    That's true about affiliate selling also.

    Even with 2 hours a week, you can find ways to deliver something useful to a prospect who is likely to buy the product or service you are promoting as an affiliate.

    You could review the product or service, explaining to a prospect what makes it special/unique/useful - more than other competing options.

    You could explain the benefits a buyer may enjoy after purchasing the product or service - and show how their life will be better post-sale.

    You could agitate the problem they are facing, bring it into sharper focus (because they may not be aware of how serious or major it really is) - and then present your solution.

    In all these cases, you're not working TO 'generate a sale'. But by helping a prospect in some way - seeing value in this product, or realizing they have a problem - you're more likely to refer a BUYING lead... than merely seeing 'clicks' that don't 'convert' into an affiliate commission.

    Usually, affiliate selling isn't about attracting many leads. It's about delivering the best QUALIFIED leads - that are most likely to go ahead and BUY.

    The process of PRE-selling - a term I learned from Dr.Ken Evoy of SiteSell fame in the late 1990s - is what an affiliate must learn to do well.

    Hope this helps.

    All success,
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    You could set something up on auto pilot so that you can just kick back and earn. Maybe do some customer service emails to those who have purchased if there are any issues. Hopefully no issues since everything is monetized correctly for success, but there is always that one person.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeffryS
    Maybe you could provide some info on how you do it now? So we can help you understand what you're doing wrong and what to add or to focus on.
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