How can I get a new site to rank on Alex fast?

2 replies
Built a site on wordpress, I need good traffic to rank high on Alex, don't know how to go about it, need good ideas please, with minimal budget.
#alex #fast #rank #site
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Do you mean 'Alexa'? If so, that 'ranking' was discontinued over a year ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    Well to rank does take time, this is what everyone else does they write a blog maybe about affiliate marketing or weight loss and it is impossible at the start to rank for those keywords, but why not do review products there is not as nearly as much comeption i do this on video and it ranks on first page everytime, there is few blogs and videos that do the review angle, thats what i would do, i hope this helps you

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