Tips internet marketing

5 replies
I am looking for tips on effective internet marketing strategies for beginners. What are the main steps I should take to start successfully promoting my business online? Are there certain tools or platforms that you find indispensable? Any tips and success stories you can share would be appreciated.
#internet #marketing #tips
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    One of the best methods, is speaking to people on facebook messenger, but it is all done wrong its just spamming their link or website straight away or even if they do introduce theirselves after that is to spam their product right in your face, you would never show your business card to someone randomly down town, it seems we have to act differently online than we do in real life, the best method is messenger what to do is forget about marketing your product, your website, just focus on the person, and just speak to them as a normal person, and focus on them and when it feels naturally to do so introduce your product once you get to know them that might be a day a week or a month, they will introduce your product and they will feel you are sharing this as a friend and not come across as a scammer, and these leads will always stay on your list and probaly buy any product u sell to them as they will trust you, is my core beliefs, give give and then sell once in a while, i hope this helps you, best of luck

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    One of the best methods, is speaking to people on facebook messenger, but it is all done wrong its just spamming their link or website straight away or even if they do introduce theirselves after that is to spam their product right in your face, you would never show your business card to someone randomly down town, it seems we have to act differently online than we do in real life, the best method is messenger what to do is forget about marketing your product, your website, just focus on the person, and just speak to them as a normal person, and focus on them and when it feels naturally to do so introduce your product once you get to know them that might be a day a week or a month, they will introduce your product and they will feel you are sharing this as a friend and not come across as a scammer, and these leads will always stay on your list and probaly buy any product u sell to them as they will trust you, is my core beliefs, give give and then sell once in a while, i hope this helps you, best of luck
    You need to learn punctuation - that is one continuous, long sentence and thus hard to read and probably not helpful as you intended it to be.

    If I get a FB message from someone as you described, to me it IS spam. If you are spending a day/week/month getting to know and promote to one person....good luck with that.

    Helen - do you have a site or blog? Are you building a list? Are you placing ads? i.e., what ARE you doing now for promotion? Are you selling your own product or someone else's?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    There is no way I can guarantee you success however I have a few tips .

    Build a community
    Build an email list
    Share your expertise
    net work
    start a blog
    be authentic
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    the most important tip is to not stop. focus and keep doing it for a long period of time...apart from that you can make every traffic strategy work if you put in the effort
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    There are so many ways from posting to answering ads. I made a long list of what I've used and have log ins for and make sure I put ads up daily on each platform.
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