by acuweb
21 replies
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum but I have been in the space for over 20 years now. I think I have an good grasp on the fundamentals but I've never gone as deep as I'm sure I can. So I'm hoping to learn from the wealth of experience on this forum and hopefully contribute as well.

My first question for you all is this, what are some new ideas or tactics that I should be learning and implementing in 2024?

Thanks in advance, I'm excited to hear what you have to say.

#2024 #ideas
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by acuweb View Post

    My first question for you all is this, what are some new ideas or tactics that I should be learning and implementing in 2024?
    Get real familiar with Social Media both organic and ads
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author acuweb
      Appreciate that! I agree that needs to be more of a priority than it used to be and we're putting effort there. Thanks for the reply!
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by acuweb View Post

    Hello everyone,

    I am new to the forum but I have been in the space for over 20 years now. I think I have an good grasp on the fundamentals but I've never gone as deep as I'm sure I can. So I'm hoping to learn from the wealth of experience on this forum and hopefully contribute as well.

    My first question for you all is this, what are some new ideas or tactics that I should be learning and implementing in 2024?

    Thanks in advance, I'm excited to hear what you have to say.


    What you learn and what you implement is dependent upon
    what you already know how to do.

    There are hundreds of ways to make money online, infinite
    combinations of them, and it's up to you to take inventory of
    your skills and decide what works for you.

    It also matters whether you want to work with clients, want
    to hire people, want to work alone, or whatever.

    I have been at it for 25 years now, my preference is affiliate
    marketing but I also engage in other methods and with the
    advent of A.I. I have been very busy developing new ones.

    I have several monetizable skills the main one is website
    development but there are several others that I have learned
    over the years, and I consistently research to stay informed.

    Go to Amazon and search for books on internet marketing,
    home business, side hustles, and passive income, learn
    that way, or watch videos, and get busy doing something
    that you think will work. What works for one person may
    not work for another.

    You could also buy an existing business or website, but
    that may be the more expensive option.

    If you don't do anything, nothing will happen for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author acuweb
      I've owned my website design/digital marketing business for over 19 years now. (That's why I posted in internet marketing and not beginner but it got moved I guess lol )

      I got complacent recently and I'm digging back in and trying to grow again.

      We generate a decent amount of traffic, leads and sales (nearly 700k for one client last year alone) for our customers with the usual SEO, PPC, SMM and email marketing, but it's kind of flat right now and we want to do more in order to improve retention.

      I'm just wondering what might be new out there that I should be trying or looking into.

      The less obvious stuff I'm hoping I can only find with seasoned veterans.
      Whitehat of course though

      I will definitely keep reading and learning. Thanks for the reply!
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by acuweb View Post

        I've owned my website design/digital marketing business for over 19 years now. (That's why I posted in internet marketing and not beginner but it got moved I guess lol )

        I got complacent recently and I'm digging back in and trying to grow again.

        We generate a decent amount of traffic, leads and sales (nearly 700k for one client last year alone) for our customers with the usual SEO, PPC, SMM and email marketing, but it's kind of flat right now and we want to do more in order to improve retention.

        I'm just wondering what might be new out there that I should be trying or looking into.

        The less obvious stuff I'm hoping I can only find with seasoned veterans.
        Whitehat of course though

        I will definitely keep reading and learning. Thanks for the reply!

        That's great and it shouldn't be difficult for you to grow
        your online business or expand into other areas.

        The main thing that is new is A.I. and all the different
        platforms and variations of it. There are ones that will
        develop entire websites and other things, and I find it
        all AMAZING.

        I am working on some combinations right now, and
        what I love about ChatGPT is that I can ask it whether
        my schemes will work, and it will break down the pros
        and cons for me.

        I highly recommend embracing A.I., it is the way to go
        if you want to maximize your time and efforts.

        As to your website development business, you already
        know you can develop and monetize sites for yourself,
        sell them, etc.

        That is a priceless skill to have and the possibilities
        are endless.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I don't really have any new ideas but I will say giving value and building relationships and trust will never grow old
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  • Profile picture of the author dtaylor4
    I've been in digital marketing for 10+ years. The old tactics are not as affective as they used to be for sure. There seems to be a large amount of products using push tactics rather than pull tactics on social media and getting results. SEO and traditional PPC like Google are giving diminishing returns. If you have experienced Googles Pmax campaigns you might see that they're losing their monopoly on search intent (at least that's what I derive from their move to a more "blackbox" approach).

    If you're not using AI for content and image generation to at least some degree then you are falling behind already. They can't be used for every scenario, but are getting better very fast.

    Social media demographics are shifting, even slightly older generations 40+ years who made the switch from FB to IG many years ago, are now making the shift to Tiktok. Tiktok is definitely dominant, and if you can't make cheap and quick video content, then I would start spending more time in this space.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by dtaylor4 View Post

      I've been in digital marketing for 10+ years. The old tactics are not as affective as they used to be for sure. There seems to be a large amount of products using push tactics rather than pull tactics on social media and getting results. SEO and traditional PPC like Google are giving diminishing returns. If you have experienced Googles Pmax campaigns you might see that they're losing their monopoly on search intent (at least that's what I derive from their move to a more "blackbox" approach).

      If you're not using AI for content and image generation to at least some degree then you are falling behind already. They can't be used for every scenario, but are getting better very fast.

      Social media demographics are shifting, even slightly older generations 40+ years who made the switch from FB to IG many years ago, are now making the shift to Tiktok. Tiktok is definitely dominant, and if you can't make cheap and quick video content, then I would start spending more time in this space.

      You are exactly right.

      Old tactics don't work so well anymore, one reason
      for that is that most everything is saturated.

      I heard one of the guys I follow say that there are
      600M blogs. That is mind boggling.

      As toTiktok and making videos, you are spot on
      about that as well. Knowing how to develop and
      monetize videos is another priceless skill to have.

      And A.I. can be used for all of that also.
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      • Profile picture of the author acuweb
        600M seems WAY low to me honestly. I bet there are a lot more than that.

        We create a lot of videos but haven't cracked the nut on getting a lot of views or monetizing them.
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    • Profile picture of the author acuweb
      Great feedback, we've definitely embraced AI and use it for content creation, marketing copy, ad copy etc. Image and Video we play with but so far I haven't had a ton of luck and still use stuff we've shot or stock stuff. Have you guys had good results with any specific image or video generators?

      And yes, performance max was bullshit. Our google rep is always trying to get us on them and make other changes but 9/10 time their suggestions decrease performance and increase cost. It doesnt help that every 6 months you start over with a new rep either.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hamdia Zainab
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  • Profile picture of the author Hamdia Zainab
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    • Profile picture of the author acuweb
      My goal for this year is to bring on 40 new recurring dental office clients at an average of $5,000 per month.

      However, this thread is mainly looking for ideas I can apply for my clients to help get them better results. The goal would be more traffic, conversion and leads or sales and amount etc. varies by client and industry.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    i think giving value and the best i found in 2024 is doing you tube review videos easy to rank and provides value and traffic at the same time

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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    • Profile picture of the author acuweb
      Nice, great info TY!

      Do you do product or service reviews or can it work for both? I wonder how I could apply this to help my dentist clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author python
    Get into AI, someway, somehow, never mind, just get into it..

    Full effort is full victory

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    • Profile picture of the author acuweb
      On it, thanks

      Any specific tools you like?
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Try implementing AI into your work. Add some employees. Possibly add more services to what you already have.
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    • Profile picture of the author acuweb
      All solid, use AI, got 6 employees. This post is really about looking for new services I guess. Hoping for tactics I can implement to get better ranks and conversions. Thanks for replying!
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  • Profile picture of the author ben niu
    Need to make slice video,I am Chinese. Tiktok is known as Douyin in China. What I do is very similar to yours. The effect is very good, but my English is very poor, so I reply with a translator.
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  • Which parta 2024 we at now, Zackly?

    Bcs Jan POV gotta evolve out inta May POV else'n we all stuck in a time warp.

    So ... what still works bcs it always works?

    What discombobyoolatin' an' SHINY SHINY SHINY chimerae may we now put outta its misery?

    An' what the fyootyoore lookin' like from this pertickuler version of here & now?

    How may you GAZE inta the UNKNOWN?

    I don't gaht alla the ansas, bcs I am merely yr natchrl & catalytic Princess.

    But ain't these cool kinda questions to ask when you don't gaht ansas to nuthin' much?

    Bcs they universally applicable despite WHENEVAH?

    Wanna tellya I apply 'em to my mortal bosom daily, with a view to unravelin' the natchrl mysteries of the Caaahsmaaahs.

    Plus also sum creem to stahp my strawbs burnin' up in the heat.


    That is my persnl recipe for immediate & enrichin' succor evin the most depraved an' hapless of souls may forevah tap.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well i think you need to find a way to deliver real value to people ,exactly like in real life to be succesful
    Even if you do reviews about products you need to do real reviews about the product and people will love you and trust you
    For example if you try a product and you dont like it you need to say in your review even if you will not make sales etc
    Also if you follow content strategy you need to build great content that help people and bring them value
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  • Profile picture of the author petersimon
    For 2024, I'd suggest looking into AI-driven marketing and personalized customer experiences. These are big trends now and can really help your business. Personalization, like tailoring marketing campaigns based on customer behavior, has made a big difference for many companies, including mine.
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