Old Google maps location with keywords inside the biz name

1 replies
I have old store Google maps location in NYC with keywords inside the biz name. I was reading that if I make any edit, the location will be suspended because Google does not allow it anymore. I want to delete all service area locations so it will be simple physical location. Would that triggering suspnestion?
#biz #google #inside #keywords #location #maps
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    Originally Posted by Liamgtools View Post

    I have old store Google maps location in NYC with keywords inside the biz name. I was reading that if I make any edit, the location will be suspended because Google does not allow it anymore. I want to delete all service area locations so it will be simple physical location. Would that triggering suspnestion?
    that should not, no. We go in in and change service areas all the time for clients - making them bigger and making them smaller
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