Aloha! Need Help Please

1 replies
I am new here and want to post my offer. Do you have to be a paid member to post and offer? Also, can I change my avatar name on my account to my real name to make it easier to gain trust? Also, how do I go about getting friends and people interested in what I have to offer? I would really appreciate a quick answer to these questions if you have tme.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Posting is free in the general discussion areas. Paid offers and other advertising are confined to either the forum's marketplace or by means of a paid signature file. The rules and guidelines can be accessed here:

    Only the admin can change user names - at their discretion - but the simplest way is to use the line underneath your user name for your real name (where you're currently showing "Coach Ruth").

    As to how to gain trust and get members interested in any offer, you do that by contributing usefully to discussions about any topics in which you have interest and/or expertise.

    Welcome aboard!

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