New high school teacher wanting to quit

6 replies
Hi everyone. I have just started a new job as a science teacher in high school about three weeks ago. I am overwelmed by all the little tasks I need to do and by all my free time that have disappeared.

I am really desperate to find something else. I still love teaching about nature to people but teaching in high school is not my thing. If I continue, I feel that I may have a second major depression.

I have a bachelor in Earth sciences and master un environmental sciences. My biggest passion is about nature, wildlife, natural habitats and biodiversity. I also love and I am very good at writing and teaching other about nature.

I don't have much free time now and I would like to find something before I quit my job.

Any idea would be really appreciated.

Thanks for your help!
#high #quit #school #wanting
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

    Hi everyone. I have just started a new job as a science teacher in high school about three weeks ago. I am overwelmed by all the little tasks I need to do and by all my free time that have disappeared.

    I am really desperate to find something else. I still love teaching about nature to people but teaching in high school is not my thing. If I continue, I feel that I may have a second major depression.

    I have a bachelor in Earth sciences and master un environmental sciences. My biggest passion is about nature, wildlife, natural habitats and biodiversity. I also love and I am very good at writing and teaching other about nature.

    I don't have much free time now and I would like to find something before I quit my job.

    Any idea would be really appreciated.

    Thanks for your help!

    You can start as many threads as you want but we addressed all of this a few months ago.

    What progress have you made since then.

    Are you doing anything towards building your own business?

    Searching for ways to make money online
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    When you are earning your eduational degrees you can study what interests you - you can do research on your favorite topics and people will listen to you talk about your field of study.


    When you sign contract and take a job you agree to do the tasks required to complete the work. You don't get to choose which parts of the job you want to do or do only those tasks that interest you personally.


    In environmental sciences you often need to do volunteer work to gain the experience to get a job in a related field. Have you done that? How many environmental or 'nature' groups have you joined or participated in?

    Why did you look for a teaching job rather than an entry level job in an environmental science field? Because entry level jobs pay low wages? The real life truth is that people who are working in jobs that they love - doing work they are interested in doing....have worked their way UP the ladder to reach those jobs.

    All of the ideas you had six months ago have potential - and all require substantial effort. What have you done?

    Quitting a contracted job after a month is not the way to start your resume. I'd suggest you fulfill the contract - do the best job you possibly can...and use this year to plan your future career path. Perhaps look for a beginning teaching position in a university where you could pursue research or your Ph.D.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    My man if you are stresed all the time you need to find a way to quit the job but if you are short of cash then try finding a solution before quiting because i also do this mistake in the past as i quit with no money and i endure a lot as it took me like 2 months until i found a job
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

    Hi everyone. I have just started a new job as a science teacher in high school about three weeks ago. I am overwelmed by all the little tasks I need to do and by all my free time that have disappeared.

    Thanks for your help!
    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    When you sign contract and take a job you agree to do the tasks required to complete the work.


    Welcome to the real world! The older you get the less free time you will have in life, as more responsibilities come your way. Do not get depressed or let your students down. Share your science passion with them, and figure out how to incorporate it into your teaching lessons. When you get free time go back and study the first thread you posted. Then work on a strategy to change professions after the school year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I think you should start a blog and YouTube channel .

    As a person that loves nature I am sure you like capturing moments on camera and video whilst you are out and about on your walks .

    Document your experiences and share them with the world on social media .

    I think it would benefit you immensely if you volunteered and networked with other conservationists in your home town to get exposure and build a few new relationships.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Do you need some TOUGH LOVE? Need or not, here goes:

    I have no empathy, sympathy for you at this point, however, here is one way to grind it out and have a complete IM business at the end of your year.

    You have to prepare DAILY plans, right? You just don't wing it in the classroom. Consider making those lesson plans really interesting, fun and full of information. Then daily, at the end of your exhausting day...put them in a folder, and come next year or in a few months, you will have dozens of information products to offer to the Internet.

    Now, I will empathize with a depression, or state of mind which has been preventing you from DOING these last several months. But if you want to take control of your future, first thing is to change your attitude.

    How great is it, you are getting PAID, to create content you can use for your self in the near is like being paid once, and then getting paid over and over IF, that is, IF, YOU can create interesting content.

    If your lessons put the class to sleep, then never mind this advice, fair enough?


    Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

    Hi everyone. I have just started a new job as a science teacher in high school about three weeks ago. I am overwelmed by all the little tasks I need to do and by all my free time that have disappeared.

    I am really desperate to find something else. I still love teaching about nature to people but teaching in high school is not my thing. If I continue, I feel that I may have a second major depression.

    I have a bachelor in Earth sciences and master un environmental sciences. My biggest passion is about nature, wildlife, natural habitats and biodiversity. I also love and I am very good at writing and teaching other about nature.

    I don't have much free time now and I would like to find something before I quit my job.

    Any idea would be really appreciated.

    Thanks for your help!
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