Which advertising platform works best for small businesses?

4 replies
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Which platform do you think delivers the best results for small businesses? Share your insights! Are Linkedin & Twitter ads effective for small businesses?
#advertising #businesses #platform #small #works
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    First of all you have to test build measure learn to get the clarity . I would say network produce content get feed back and collect Data.

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  • Profile picture of the author conquest99999
    In my opinion Facebook ads work the best, especially if you know how to manage the audiences that come from pixels.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    There is no "best advertising platform" for any and all businesses, regardless of size. What works best for one product niche does not work at all for another. You need to try each one out and see what works best for your particular niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author scottrulon
    My favorite is FaceBook Lead ads specifically. You have to do some testing, but $5 a day should get you started. Once you find a winner you can up the Ante. I like those because people fill out a form with Name Email and even phone number if you request it. People know they will be contacted!!!!!
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