I want to find the new sources in e-com

4 replies
Hey guys, recently I'm getting cool results with Asian Ecommerce offers, can you recommend me traffic sources that convert well with such vertical?
#ecom #find #sources
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    This forum does not recommend specific products or services.

    Think about what you are asking.

    If I HAD a traffic source that converted well....the last thing i would do is 'share' that source. That would risk diluting the effectiveness of the traffic source AND create competition for myself.

    You will get better answers if you post what YOU have done and where YOU have gone for traffic...and ask others for advice on what more you can do.
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  • Profile picture of the author conquest99999
    Originally Posted by UltimateScuff View Post

    Hey guys, recently I'm getting cool results with Asian Ecommerce offers, can you recommend me traffic sources that convert well with such vertical?
    As Kay King said, nobody is going to tell you his/her traffic sources because you'd become competition to him/her. But I suggest you try out Pinterest for e-commerce traffic. You'll have to figure out Pinterest on your own though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abaidulllah
    Here is a list of best Ecommerce traffic resources

    1-Social Traffic
    2-Search Traffic
    3-Native Traffic
    4-Mobile Traffic

    spend time on these and try to understand these resources
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  • Profile picture of the author lionscity
    You can try BING ADS and PPCMATE. They are good


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