I'm Considering A 30-Day Write (or Rewrite) A-Sales-Letter-A-Day Challenge To Build My Email List.

11 replies
This might just be a subconscious excuse to procrastinate on my end, but what the hell: I'm considering doing a copywriting challenge of either writing or rewriting 30 sales letters in 30 days to build some credibility for my currently non-existent email list. Do you think something like this could garner interest and have some email addresses coming in, or no?
#30day #asalesletteraday #build #challenge #email #list #rewrite #write
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by butcherofblavikken View Post

    This might just be a subconscious excuse to procrastinate on my end, but what the hell: I'm considering doing a copywriting challenge of either writing or rewriting 30 sales letters in 30 days to build some credibility for my currently non-existent email list. Do you think something like this could garner interest and have some email addresses coming in, or no?

    Is this a challenge just for yourself or will there be other participants?

    If you don't have a list, how are you going to attract interest in your challenge?

    Do you even know how to run a challenge?

    These are some questions you should know the answers to before you proceed.

    The bigger issue is your tendency to procrastinate.

    What are you doing about that?

    Then there's your non-existent list.

    What do you have to offer people on your mailing list.

    What are you promoting?

    You don't need to provide specific answers on this thread, but you need to know the answers to these questions.
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    • Just me.

      I'm going to be posting about it across the internet; the challenge itself and my own narration of it is going to be the 'lead magnet.'

      Do I know how to run a challenge? There's nothing too complicated about it. I'm just going to do it and post about it each day.

      I'm going to be offering my copywriting services. Sorry, probably should have mentioned that lol.

      My procrastination is mainly about feeling like I'm investing all this time and energy into something that won't pay off, but I don't know that. And even if it doesn't, I think it's still worth a shot.
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by butcherofblavikken View Post

        Do I know how to run a challenge? There's nothing too complicated about it. I'm just going to do it and post about it each day.

        You can do whatever you want, but you came to the forum asking for people's thoughts.

        There is much more to a 30-day challenge than just doing it and posting about it.

        Especially if you plan on developing a following from it.

        Most challenges fail because people do not plan correctly and other reasons.

        I recommend that you research this thoroughly before you start something you cannot finish.

        And I'm going to give you another tip which you can take or leave:

        Use A.I. to help you organize and develop your strategy. It can give you an entire step-by-step
        plan on how to run a well-structured challenge or anything else you want to do for your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Do you own the 30 products or services attached to these sales letters, or are you an established affiliate for each?

    If not, how will you access the historical sales data in order to compare performances pre and post revision?

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • I will not be running the sales pages. The point of the challenge is simply to write a sales page a day for 30 days straight.
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      • I could potentially send them to the owners, see if they might consider running them instead. We'll see.
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  • Profile picture of the author conquest99999
    That would be a great idea! It definitely would spark interest!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm going to be posting about it across the internet; the challenge itself and my own narration of it is going to be the 'lead magnet.'
    Where you posting about it? Social media? How big is your following there?

    Sorry, but I don't see the 'challenge' of saying "I am going to write 30 sales letters in 30 days". Why would anyone else care? If you are writing 'sales letters' without selling something - what does that prove?

    The purpose of sales letters is to sell products. How much 'narration' is there to the idea of "I will write one sales letter a day"? Again, why would anyone care?

    What would you tell 'the owners'? "I haven't sold any of your products but I have 30 sales letters that MIGHT work". These companies hire professional writers.

    I'm not telling you NOT to write the letters. Challenging YOURSELF is a good idea - making yourself meet the challenge is often harder than you expect. You don't need other people cheering you on.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by butcherofblavikken View Post

    . Do you think something like this could garner interest?
    If you document your challenge on social media, you might gain traction. savidge4 used to share posts here about documenting your journey to gain traction. You would have to spend some time finding those posts. My suggestion is you do need to have some goals on what you plan to accomplish in those 30 days. That was the idea of the Path section here on the forum. However, most failed in that section. https://www.warriorforum.com/members/savidge4.html
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Also - if you want to document your project day by day - you might be able to run a 'Warrior Path' thread - which is a section MEANT to help you stay on track.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Help a Vet - Save a Pet
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by butcherofblavikken View Post

    This might just be a subconscious excuse to procrastinate on my end, but what the hell: I'm considering doing a copywriting challenge of either writing or rewriting 30 sales letters in 30 days to build some credibility for my currently non-existent email list. Do you think something like this could garner interest and have some email addresses coming in, or no?
    Try it, it is your time to waste.

    It is hard to imagine that any of the 30 promotions would be worth anything, even Gary Halbert wouldn't do something this inane.

    Wrong way to go about it. Spend 5 bux, get a WF signature, and show us your copywriting skills with a working promotion.

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