What niche you suggest for a beginner?

by ajitah
6 replies
I started my journey as a digital marketer 1 year ago. I started with drop shipping business. I run ads and get healthy sales but due to not enough money and guidance i stoped.

Now I learn overall every areas of digital marketing from courses and YouTube videos.

I heard that "specialized one area rather than picking all" is this right?

If yes then which area is good for me!! - Question rise in my mind.

My budget is low, only $1000-$2000. I know what I should I not do. Like SEO, because it takes more time to result. But the question is I don't know which field to specialized in?

What you suggest and why? please help!!!
#beginner #niche #suggest
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by ajitah View Post

    I started my journey as a digital marketer 1 year ago. I started with drop shipping business. I run ads and get healthy sales but due to not enough money and guidance i stoped.

    Now I learn overall every areas of digital marketing from courses and YouTube videos.

    I heard that "specialized one area rather than picking all" is this right?

    If yes then which area is good for me!! - Question rise in my mind.

    My budget is low, only $1000-$2000. I know what I should I not do. Like SEO, because it takes more time to result. But the question is I don't know which field to specialized in?

    What you suggest and why? please help!!!

    Dropshipping is not a niche, it is a method of fulfilling orders.

    The field that is good for you depends upon your skills.

    You need to assess your skills, what you know and what you like to
    do and decide what you can apply yourself to.

    So if you are good at photography or developing fascinating A.I.
    images, you could get into a business that uses images like print on
    demand, stock photography, selling wall art, or publishing.

    That is just an example, you need to figure it out for yourself, other
    people cannot do that for you.

    What I have done, and what might work for you, is using A.I. such as
    ChatGPT, you can tell it your experience and other details and it will
    recommend a variety of online business that would be good for you,
    it can give you guidance and help you develop your strategy.

    Regardless of which method you use to assess your skills, it is
    important to focus on something and don't give up so easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I suggest you do something that you are passionate about and use that skill to impact people's lives .

    When you look beyond money and start focusing on using your gifts to solidify your legacy is when magic happens.
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  • i suggest niches like personal finance, health and wellness or hobbies and create friendly content
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  • Profile picture of the author dimada
    Focus on one product
    Create your own website
    Then be patient
    Because you are entering a world controlled by emperors with huge sums of money that they use to buy all services
    I am like you, thinking of a project and I do not have the money.
    I failed several times And
    I still have not given up So I advise you to try and focus on one product.
    I wish you success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11816249].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by dimada View Post

      Focus on one product
      Create your own website
      Then be patient
      Because you are entering a world controlled by emperors with huge sums of money that they use to buy all services
      I am like you, thinking of a project and I do not have the money.
      I failed several times And
      I still have not given up So I advise you to try and focus on one product.
      I wish you success.

      Most of the things related to internet marketing don't even
      cost anything at all. Social media, especially YouTube is
      free, you can promote yourself and your products without
      any great expense, using what you probably already have.

      One product is a good start, but when you are establishing
      multiple passive income streams, then you need to do more.

      You can't just do one thing and expect to hit the big time.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11816368].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JeremyLong
    Thank you so much for the suggestion.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11817152].message }}
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