2 replies
My TikTok videos reach around 800-900 views, and I use TikTok Mod, so the issue isn't with the app. Could it be due to the quality of the videos I post? How can I improve to get higher views? Btw i'm working on cpa
#tiktok #views
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Logan33 View Post

    My TikTok videos reach around 800-900 views, and I use TikTok Mod, so the issue isn't with the app. Could it be due to the quality of the videos I post? How can I improve to get higher views? Btw i'm working on cpa

    These are all questions that you need to figure out the answer
    to by looking at your competition, your topic, and a number of
    factors like where you are sending the traffic.

    Are you sending the traffic to a high-quality lead funnel or are
    you sending them to some spammy offer that nobody wants?

    There are countless ways to make improvements, and there
    are books on this topic, courses, and tutorial videos.

    I think that you are on the right track with affiliate marketing on
    social media, and I suggest that you learn as much as you can
    if this is going to be your business model.

    I have been affiliate marketing 20+ years, it is the easiest MMO
    method, but it requires some knowledge and work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Orest Mirch
    Ofcourse it can. Plus tiktok has algorytms to post videos in a certain time. So u should better learn this question on the internet
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  • Profile picture of the author Fahri Baykal
    Your views are solid, but improving video quality and using trending sounds could boost engagement. Try adding hooks to grab attention and post when your audience is active. For extra reach, This site might help grow your audience and improve visibility!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11816072].message }}
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