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From Humble Beginings: How I Started My Freelancing Firm Almost Overnight

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Posted 8th August 2008 at 02:44 AM by pwebbiz
Updated 8th August 2008 at 02:46 AM by pwebbiz

My intro:

Well let me start by saying that in June I knew what I had coming. I knew that once summer started my parents would make me go out and get a JOB. I was not going to settle for crap working conditions, terrible pay, whacky hours, a uniform etc.

Not to mention that I really couldn't be employed over summer because ever other week I'd be away on vacation.

That being said, I knew there had to be a better way....

I owned a WSO about writing articles and threw some together for a site I was working on. Realizing that it wasn't hard at all I decided that if there was enough demand I'd like to offer my own service. I figured that the money would work out to be much better then the minimum wage I'd get anywhere, and I could do it from the comfort of my room. It was my ideal job.

A couple weeks later I had plenty of customers coming back on a repeat basis - and had managed to snag a JV with one. This JV now brings me the vast majority of my customers. I soon realized that I wanted to put more of my business on autopilot.

In the beginning I had a friend working with me to get the articles done on time. I now have a staff of 4 writers - each working 2 + hours a day to pump out the orders. My JV customer keeps sending great new leads that are bringing me money day after day.

It's a blast to own my own business! Looking back I went from working a few hours per day in my spare time to make some spending money, to now running a small freelancing firm with big-name customers. Plus, now money's no longer an object to me and I really don't do much work anymore other then delegate the work and review it - but I'll eventually source that out too.

Hopefully I can keep growing my business (and income ) over the next four years so when I'm done with college I can just run an online company and never have to report to a JOB.
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  1. New Comment
    Ray Erdmann's Avatar
    Hey there Pwebbiz:

    I'm in the need to have some articles written and wanted to know if you're for hire....and if so, what the cost is per article?


    Ray Erdmann
    Posted 8th August 2008 at 02:32 PM by Ray Erdmann Ray Erdmann is offline
  2. New Comment
    Amino Zawawi's Avatar
    I can relate to what you're saying. I'm graduating in a week or so. I've started freelancing when I was a sophomore and have started my own freelancing firm in my senior year. Guess we have a lot in common!
    Posted 10th August 2008 at 11:17 AM by Amino Zawawi Amino Zawawi is offline
  3. New Comment
    Andy Money's Avatar
    Nice post 8)
    Posted 17th August 2008 at 06:55 PM by Andy Money Andy Money is offline

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