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How To Be A Smarter Affiliate Marketer & Pocket 50% More Commissions

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Posted 19th December 2012 at 02:18 PM by marketingwithchuck
Updated 20th December 2012 at 04:56 AM by Janet Sawyer (To remove forced sign up page)

Yogi Bear was unquestionably talented at stealing picnic baskets. The reason he got more food, and nicked more picnic baskets than his brethrens was simple – and they even made a song about it – Yogi Bear is smarter than the average bear!

What's this got to do with affiliate marketing? Well, absolutely everything actually. I'd be very surprised if most affiliate marketers were truly satisfied with their overall commissions and income. The few that are, do things differently. They're smart.

Well strap yourself into your chair and put out the cat – you're about to learn how to improve your affiliate commissions by at least half of what you're getting now, by being a smart affiliate marketer.

Niche Market Identification & Diversification – I'm not entirely sure why, but newbie affiliate marketers seem to be drawn into online business/marketing & work at home products like moths to a rather dull flame. Is there money to be made here? Sure. But there's a world of niches out there that are far less saturated. There are niches where you can pick up plump three and four figure commissions. Do some research and you may just be surprised at how well you can do in other industries. Diversifying into other, totally independent niches will also bring a certain comforting wall of security.

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Focus On Building Your List – Whichever niches you plunder, your priority ought to be list building. It may sound like stating the bleeding obvious, but you must segregate your lists into tight, focused niche specific ones. I'm sure you wouldn't mix your internet marketing list with your diet list – but you could break it down further into several sub lists.

Within IM, you could have several mini lists – for example one list for site & blog development tips, another that focuses on traffic generation and so on. This segregation gives you a lot of control over how and when you email your list. It also allows you to ad swap easily with smaller list owners, which can be a great way of expanding your list quickly and nicking commissions regularly.

List building is crucial as an affiliate because you can build a relationship with your list and recommend targeted products and services as and when you find them. One of the key reasons of affiliate failure – a reason why some affiliate marketers just don't make it past year one – is that they don't get this crucial list building element.

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