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Create a Facebook Profile for Business!

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Posted 11th April 2013 at 05:54 PM by Maggie143

If you want to have a successful business on Facebook you need to have a
Facebook Profile that will draw people to you. On Facebook this is really easy to accomplish if you will set up your profile to be geared towards being a business professional. I know there are some people that do not want to use their Facebook profile for business which is great and it is a personal choice that you must make. I understand that some people create an additional profile for their business and I can not recommend that because it is against the rules of Facebook to have more than one profile.
A Facebook Profile for Business Can Be Your Biggest Asset!

There are several things you need to understand about hoe to Create a Facebook Profile for Business. I have been around Facebook for over a couple of years and using it for my business for almost a year. I have attended allot of training from some experts of Facebook that use it to make thousands of dollars a month. I have also seen many people that have hundreds of friends but not one like, share, or comment on their timeline. I am going to let you in on a few secrets of things that I have gathered from the trainings I have attended and learned from personal experience about creating a killer Facebook Profile.
A Facebook Profile For Business Can Be Your Biggest liability!

1)Branding You
You need to realize that in Facebook you need to create a Facebook Profile for business but it is best to brand you instead of a business. Since you never know if you might change your mind later and decide that business is not right for you. Then instead of having to start from scratch if you brand you then you will not have to change anything if you follow the following guidelines. What I mean by branding you is your picture needs to be your Facebook Profile picture of you not some random picture. You need to have something about you in the Facebook Profile cover photo on your timeline. It can have a link to a blog that is hosted by you. It can have a saying or quote that you believe in. It can even have a picture of your family so people can relate to you as a family person, The Facebook Profile should be all about you and what you stand for so people can begin to know, like, and trust YOU.

You need to post on your Facebook Profile timeline things that business people are going to want to see. Things that are great value like a business tip, how to for business, and things that you have learned while running your business. You can post inspirational videos, videos for songs you like, you can post self improvement videos, and you can even post your videos that you have made. If you like traveling post about where you have been or where you would like to go. You can really post about anything accept posting links to your biz ops, posting pictures of unrealistic money coming from the sky (I think you get the idea), and please whatever you do not post lies. Lies can be the most damaging to your reputation and people will leave you faster than you can say scat.

3)Creating Engagement
When you are posting keep in mind that you want people to interact with you post. Be sure to ask questions in your post. If you are asking a question that people will like to answer. Something like I really love this video "What do you think of it? Do not be afraid to ask for a like, share, or comment on all your post. Like on a picture you can embed a link in that is not visible be sure to say "Please share if you like this as much as I do". Make sure every post has some kind of call to action like the examples I gave earlier. With out a clear call to action most people will not do anything or they will just like the post. If you have a great blog post that you are sharing be sure to say something like "Be sure to leave a comment on my blog to let me know what you think".

I think I covered the most important questions I get about Creating a Facebook Profile for Business. If you have any further questions about how to Create a Facebook Profile for Business be sure to ask in the comment section and even if you do not have a question please leave a comment to let me know what you thought of the information.

Yours In Success

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