
• The possession of knowledge and understanding of financial matters, mainly used in connection with all of a person’s personal finances.

• The effectual ability to make decisions pertaining to finance areas in one’s life that will generate money, how that person manages it, and how he/she invest it (turn it into more) and how that person uses it to help others.

Now that we have a basic understanding as to what financial literacy is lets take a quick look at Financial Freedom

It is generally used to describe the state of having sufficient personal wealth to live, without having to work actively for basic necessities.[1] For financially independent people, their assets generate income that is greater than their expenses.

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Driving Traffic/ Marketing Your Online Business

Submit "Driving Traffic/ Marketing Your Online Business" to Facebook
Posted 19th February 2016 at 08:24 PM by swagdre



Now we have heard many times that we need to generate traffic and more traffic and even more traffic.

This is absolutely true but we were not told how???

There are many mediums to use today and the main ones I wanna touch on is Social Media.

Two (2) types of traffic available out there free and paid. Both of them are equally good ways to go about it, however, either one is going to cost you something, which you will earn back if you know how to go about it. Every social media platform has both forms of traffic.

FREE TRAFFIC: as I stated before free traffic is going to cost you something and in this case its lots of time spent on each that you so desire to use. I recommend to my students to use three (3) ways to market their online businesses. I recommend facebook, twitter, Instagram; you may be asking why? These are by far the largest and easiest to use and they are absolutely free to join just like any other social network. By extension if you're already apart of others try using it to optimize your business. Some of you have hundreds and some even thousands of friends/followers on these sites. Don't be afraid to share with them what it is you are doing. You will be surprised how many of them are willing to try it. And not because someone didn't buy from you now or sign up into your business, doesn't mean they wont ever.

Forums like this one we are in now is a good source of generating traffic to your website. Start threads with your signature being the link to your website. That way people will be able to know where to get to you. Ensure you create threads may be like three (3) per day and or respond to other peoples threads. Try to be the first couple of people of respond to the current threads, that way your at the top for everyone to see. Just remember whatever you put out there is of value to others. You will be sure to generate lots of leads for valuable information.

PAID TRAFFIC: my favorite place for high quality paid traffic is FACEBOOK. All you need to do is first have a Facebook account, then you create a fan page for your type of business. Facebook has a lot of information any business would be interested in because they collect so much information from each account of over one billion people in the world. If it were a country it would be the third largest in the world. Facebook can give you direct targeting of any country, city or simply an area that you may have a physical location. Facebook knows the interest of each person what they like and don't like. If you want a more targeted audience for example only males or females of specific ages who are into nursing.

Isn't that awesome?!

Instagram is fast growing and one of the main reason I recommend them is, you can add your account to your facebook ads which you can set a budget for. That way you will be able to market on two platforms at the same time which will save you time and money.

As many ways you can use to generate traffic to your website is acceptable. Just ensure not to overwhelm yourself at first spend time on each thing may be 30 mins and be sure to plan exactly what you wanna do that way you have guaranteed way of not confusing yourself.

My last advice for you today is give it ninety (90) days to start seeing good results. Commit to this process and you will most certainly see results. Research shows anything done consistently for 90 days becomes a habit. In my opinion a good habit that can generate an income giving me complete freedom is more than ok in my book.

You want to be apart of a team that will help you throughout this process and to find businesses to start working with to generate an income almost immediately? Then check out my link below


This is your boy Andre Bowen
Keeping it real have a lovely day.
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