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How to Get More Amazon Product Reviews

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Posted 13th December 2016 at 07:39 AM by repricerexpress

Want to be known as a top seller on Amazon? Then youll need a good bulk of positive reviews. But instead of just focusing on the service side of things, RepricerExpress wants to show you why its just as important to focus on getting good product reviews, too. Heres how.

#1. Dont Tiptoe Shyly in the Hopes of Only Getting Good Reviews
In the movie Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatchs Stephen Strange is driven by fear. His success as a neurosurgeon stems from taking on cases he know he can solve because hes afraid of failing at the ones he cant. If youre going to make any sort of living out of selling on Amazon, then you cannot be afraid of the bad reviews. Theyre an inevitability and youll want to take them in stride, trying to minimise them in favour of getting a vast majority of positive reviews.

#2. Understand Amazons Search Algorithm as Though You Designed It
Think of any great and lasting monument in the world, like the Egyptian pyramids or the Eiffel Tower. Sure, what a lot of people notice is how grand and majestic they are, but they wouldnt have lasted as long as they did if they werent built on solid foundations. If the architects were only focused on making them pretty and not making them structurally sound, then they would have crumbled and been replaced by something with a better base.

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