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How Do You Create Curiosity?

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Posted 28th April 2009 at 09:44 PM by Terri LC

How Do you Create Curiosity?

Do you give your readers and prospects a reason to read on? to click? Don't just motivate them - inspire them to take action!

What did you say in your 1st sentence that made me want to read the 2nd?

You must stir the pot, sound the alarm, and drive home the belief that "without me, you will miss out."

The more curiosity you create, the more compelling you are to media, the marketplace and potential clients.

Here's How 5 Words can INSTANTLY CREATE CURIOSITY for your headlines:

1. How

One marketer used How a Bald Barber Saved My Hair to promote a hair tonic. This gent generated a significant amount of sales, because the word "how" tells prospects a story is involved. A compelling story is one way to keep your prospects reading and, ultimately, buying.

2. These

In the early 1900s, Maxwell Sackheim wrote the famous headline Do You Make These Mistakes in English? to promote an English mail-order course. The advertisement was so successful it ran for 40 years without any changes. Notice how the headline poses a question you can't answer with a simple "yes" or "no." Because of the word "these," you must continue reading to find out the mistakes.

3. Why

Read the headline Why Some People Almost Always Make Money in the Stock Market, and you feel like you're missing out on confidential information successful stock traders already know. What makes this statement credible are the words "some" and "almost." By demonstrating there's still risk and not everyone will make money, the headline portrays less hype and more believability.

4. Which

The headline: Which of These $2.50 to $5 Best Sellers Do You Want -- for Only $1 Each? leaves you wondering what books are for sale and why they are priced at only $1. No idea who wrote this headline, but the pricing suggests the offer is from many years ago. In addition to curiosity, this headline targets your prospects' desire for bargains.

5. What

When the copywriters at Bottom Line/Personal created a headline to help attract magazine subscribers, they used a subject that anyone who travels knows well: airline food. What Never ... Ever to Eat on an Airplane! will keep you curious for a long time -- unless you become a subscriber and find out the answer. Also, with this headline, you feel like you're getting access to rare information as a subscriber, which is perceived as being more valuable.

So Create Curiosity! Because people just HAVE to ask. They just GOTTA know!

Terri Rau
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  1. New Comment
    I agree. You need to stir up people in order for them to take action.
    Posted 13th May 2009 at 01:39 PM by marsummers marsummers is offline

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