Cheeeeeez - really need to start this blog by now
Posted 11th November 2009 at 01:27 AM by activebiz
although I am a member since quiet a while,
I have always used my own excuse that I don't have enough time to write yet another blog.
Well = WF 'is' now the ONLY forum blog I will probably ever write.
Because, it is my favorite forum.
Just need to figure out what I can contribute [tangible] value in here.
Well, I'll come up with something.
Am not a guru or master of marketing, but am a pretty good designer, have a good biz mind -
so, with that combination, I will find something of value for other members.
Till I write again
I have always used my own excuse that I don't have enough time to write yet another blog.
Well = WF 'is' now the ONLY forum blog I will probably ever write.
Because, it is my favorite forum.
Just need to figure out what I can contribute [tangible] value in here.
Well, I'll come up with something.
Am not a guru or master of marketing, but am a pretty good designer, have a good biz mind -
so, with that combination, I will find something of value for other members.
Till I write again
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