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Not every ball you hit will be a homerun

Posted 10th July 2015 at 02:39 PM by AlexanderSkyHeart

Not every ball you hit will be a Home Run.

Not every ball we are confident in hitting will be struck.


Try to hit more balls and get better at it until the margin of error is minimized.
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One, WHO has a strong enough WHY, can go through heck of a lot of HOWs until it is achieved

Posted 10th July 2015 at 10:49 AM by AlexanderSkyHeart

One, WHO has a strong enough WHY, can go through heck of a lot of HOWs until it is achieved
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Views 605 Comments 0 Go to first new comment AlexanderSkyHeart is offline

What does it feel like being the Boss of your own company / startup?

Posted 10th July 2015 at 10:41 AM by AlexanderSkyHeart

Does it still feel like a day job to you?
Do you feel you are working less or more?
Do you have less or more time for your family?

What's your advice for those making the jump from employee to employer?

Love to hear you thoughts

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Kept afloat by Confidence and driven by herd mentality

Posted 10th July 2015 at 10:34 AM by AlexanderSkyHeart

A particularly successful person in his stock picking career told me recently when I asked him how did he do what he did so successfully?

He replied:

"Trends in businesses are often driven by herd mentality and confidence keeps it afloat.

Take the confidence away and trends sink fast as the herd rushes and crushes the things along the way to get out. Very fast... to move into the next big thing."

It's his last...
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Views 607 Comments 0 Go to first new comment AlexanderSkyHeart is offline

Is this one of the MOST important quote yet? Agree or Disagree?

Posted 4th July 2015 at 07:23 AM by AlexanderSkyHeart

This is one of the most inspiring quote which helped me greatly in life and work EVER

The first time I found this Quote

I first stumbled upon this quote when I was in my teens, it struck me hard as I wasn't getting results in my studies even after trying hard to study. After I read this quote, I realized that it's not "trying to study" that gets the results, it's how and what to study that gets results.

Scores in studies improved by 2 grades...
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