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Backlinks: What they are and how to get them

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Posted 6th October 2008 at 12:59 PM by Angela V. Edwards

From an article I wrote:

Sometimes called inbound links, backlinks are the lifeblood of Search Engine Positioning. In order for a website to be on the top of search engines like Google without the webmaster having to pay big money for advertising, the website has to have a large number of backlinks. Backlinks are links on one website that lead back to another website. The more established, high quality, and high Page Rank the website that contains the link has, the more power it has to help the linked website with its search engine position. If the website that is getting backlinks gets many High Quality and High Page Rank backlinks, the better the chance it has of being in a high position on the Search Engines.


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    Nick Stuart's Avatar
    Hi Angela,

    Been trying to contact you

    I do hope your ok.

    Best wishes,

    Posted 10th October 2010 at 05:15 PM by Nick Stuart Nick Stuart is offline

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