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Internet Marketing Guidelines.

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Posted 2nd September 2013 at 11:33 AM by Devin X

1. Be self sufficient, if you are unskilled, learn how.

2. Only go into a niche that you specialize in, or have experience with.

3. Provide only when there is a demand. Only serve niches with good amount of traffic.

4. Do not do a major, competitive market, or niche, unless you have money to do it big.

5. Don't go into too many niches.

6. Start with only 1 project and 1 niche.

7. Only partner with your polar opposite. If you do Marketing, you can collaborate with an artist or specialist....and Vice Versa.

8. If you have been sitting at your computer not doing anything for more than 10 minutes, you need to turn on the video camera or start writing. Produce! Produce! Produce!

9. Do not advertise to the general public, it wont work.

10. Only use free traffic like youtube, forums, articles, until you have money to do PPC/CPM.

11. If you need income to supplement, work, write, draw, sing, code, print, send, speak, etc. Hustle!

12. When you do a task, do as much as you can until you totally run out of resources. Work hard!

13. Cross reference keywords and find keyword variations with the Google Keyword tool.

14. Cross reference your prices with marketplaces like amazon kindle, music and other multi-media items to make sure you're competitive.

15. Use the list you build by selling physical products via amazon and your own software and/or services.

16. If you do not have a list, this means you need to contact more potential affiliates than if you did (publishers). Or it means that you need to build your lists (affiliates).

17. Have some of the affiliates you contact promote your product before you promote theirs. (publishers)

18. When creating digital product, in the $20 to $100 range you will provide 3 to 5 hours of video content and/or $0.25 to $0.50 a page. If creating an app, $0.00 you would monetize from "refills" and/or affiliate sales to $5.00, it will sell the more affordable you make it. (publishers)

19. Always reciprocate and uphold verbal or written agreements.

20. Learn the law and be careful not to violate trademarks, FTC advertising guidelines, copyrights, and disclose your affiliate agreements.

21. Do not process major volume on PayPal.

22. In major niches, you need a dedicated servers to run your autoresponders with proper cam-spam compliant links and FTC disclaimers.

23. If you offer a refund for 60 days, and someone asks for one, you need to do it or you will regret it.

24. Sell out if you are not happy with the project. Sell the endeavor on Ebay or Flippa or SEDO as a package. Sell for income times 10.

25. When creating a PPC campaign, do 10-20 adgroups with a maximum of 10 buy, store, on sale, review type keyword variations in each. Run one per day and cycle through the adgroups to find the most profitable.

Be sure to check out my blog, [URL=""][B]Devon Dudeman [/B][/URL]and get to know me. Let me show you how to become healthy, wealthy, and wise.
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    rohit36's Avatar
    Great Blog post noted down few point from it, specially 9 and 24..
    Posted 2nd September 2013 at 12:37 PM by rohit36 rohit36 is offline

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