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Starting an Online Business Requires Some Planning

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Posted 9th March 2012 at 01:28 PM by DPWeb

Its okay to not have a business plan or outline when you are still researching your business or figuring out what you want to do. Most entrepreneurs will tell you that no business plan stands up to the first sale. That is pretty true.

The point is, if you have decided on what kind of business you want to start, or you are worried that you might be missing something about the business, then you should be writing down a plan or outline.

A business outline can be as simple as a series of questions that are answered so you know what to do in different scenarios.

I suggest starting with an outline instead of a full blown plan because creating a full blown business plan can get technical and overwhelming for someone just starting out. On top of that, 100% of the time you will need to change 99% of your business plan after making a few sales and talking to your target market to find out what really interests them.

There may be a feature of your offer that your target market is really buying for, and you may not even realize it.

If you need help creating a basic outline that you can use to map out new business ideas, I have created an Online Business Outline Worksheet you can use. It comes with a sample as well as a blank version.

Sign up to the email newsletter at my blog to get the worksheet.

1. Click here for the Free Worksheet!
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