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Making money with affiliate marketing

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Posted 1st May 2010 at 04:30 AM by dsmpublishing

One of the easiest ways to make money online is with affiliate marketing. It can be started on a shoestring budget and the rewards can be enormous.

Affiliate marketing is basically where you promote a product or service through a link to the products website which is encrypted with your affiliate id. When a sale is made you receive a percentage and you do not have to carry out any work such as sending the product etc.

There are of course many affiliate marketing methods but a very easy and effective one is by simply using a blog for promotion purposes. This entails writing a review of the product that you are promoting and weave in a couple of affiliate links throughout the review and place it on a blog. You could even use a free blog but a wordpress blog on your own hosting account is a better choice.

You could then promote the blog by leaving a signature link on relevant forums and then when anyone reads the review and decides to purchase you will make money.

When you realise how profitable this can be you could build more blogs or websites on different subjects and simply rinse and repeat.

To get an idea of the massive growth of affiliate marketing sign up with a company like commission junction and take a look at the hundreds of well known companies that are involved in this industry. You will also be able to see at a glance the amount of money they pay out to their affiliates and it would be safe to say that you will be very pleasantly surprised.

Thanks for reading and if you would like to make money online by following the internet marketing superclass we would love to have you on board. It shows you how to make money online for beginners

To your online success

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  1. New Comment
    jaiganeshv's Avatar
    Very powerful post.. the blog section in WF is quite useful
    Posted 1st May 2010 at 06:03 AM by jaiganeshv jaiganeshv is offline

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