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The Avatar Movie: What can it do for your business

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Posted 26th May 2010 at 02:53 AM by dsmpublishing

I was one of the first to go and see the Avatar movie at my local cinema in Portugal and had a lovely time watching it with my eight year old son and my husband. It was just before Christmas last year and everyone was getting into the spirit of the festive season and we had a lovely time.

When new technology comes out at the cinema it is lovely to be able to say that you were there and you watched it at the cinema ten years down the line.

However after returning home we found out that at our other cinema you could go and watch Avatar in 3D and we were upset that we had missed out on this so we went to watch the film again this time in the 3D version along with the glasses and any other bits and pieces.

We were very glad we did and will certainly be watching more films in 3D this summer when they do the rounds.

Last monday though, Avatar came out on DVD and we bought it in 2D and haven’t got around to watching it yet but we will do shortly. Avatar are also re-releasing it ahead of the Christmas market later this year in 3D and will make further profits from it too. They will also be releasing their own 3D glasses along with other merchandise that they will be profiting from.

As you can see they will profiting on several levels and don’t forget that they have already shown large profits throughout the screenings at the cinema with over a billion dollars in the bank. They will have had the best marketing team in the world to make this film a huge success and this is what you need to learn from.

If you look at offline marketing many of the strategies can be br0ught to the internet especially the offline industries unique upselling methods that is one of the best ways to make money online. We all have products that we sell on the internet but how many of us cross sell and upsell through the selling process.

Another example going back to the movie business will have to be when I go on this site, which I often do whenever I want to buy a new DVD I will be offered some other DVDs at a discount during the checkout process. They will be products related to the ones that I am buying. I will often look forward to this stage as it is my chance to often get an extra bargain or two!!!

Just think if you were the customer and you were buying something from a customer what else you would like to buy at the same time and start experimenting. If something doesn’t convert add a different product and watch your sales go through the roof. This is often the reason why you will see affiliate links being used on download pages because they work.

Another option is to look at the products that you are already selling and see h0w you can improve them. Looking at the Avatar example they are offering a basic version of the DVD first by offering it in 2D. Then when people buy more DVD’s than the rest of the year they are coming back with their ultimate version in 3D.

Can you offer an ultimate version of your product?

If you have a successful ebook this could include a improved version to previous buyers with a video series that will make people want to buy it again.

Customers love an upgrade especially if it is excellent value for money at the same time.
Watch what marketers do – even those offline and see how they sell their products and follow their lead.

Thanks for reading and if you would like to make money online by selling PLR ebooks I suggest that you take a look at our newly developed PLR Shop called Ebooks Land that has many top products for you to choose from.
To your online success

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