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Top 10 Twitter Tools That Everyone Should Own For Their Online Business

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Posted 23rd September 2009 at 03:19 AM by dsmpublishing

Ever since I joined Twitter last Christmas everyone and their dog has been telling me that I must have this Twitter tool as it is better than the one I am already using. If I am completely honest I haven't liked them all some have been good, there has been a few really bad ones where as others have been damn right ugly. But I have decided to get my laptop out, then name right here, right now my favourite 10.

These twitter tools are my favourite for a variety of reasons including there performance, usefulness and how they save me time as I have a very busy schedule and if I find twitter tools that will save me an hour a week I will gladly hop on and take note.

So here are my top ten twitter tools:

Twellow I must admit I am a huge fan of Twellow without Twellow I certainly wouldn't have the following I have today. Away from the twitter hype society just isn't the same without the yellow pages and this is your very own twitter version with free advertising. You can submit your link, include an about me section, dictate which categories you want to be placed in plus much more.

TweetLater What is there not to like about Tweetlater? You can welcome all your new followers with an automated message and plan your updates in advance. My favourite tweet for using this feature on is FollowFriday because I communicate with a lot of people over the course of the week I like to plan my FollowFriday messages in advance and sometimes will have them planned as soon as the Monday before. In general though Friday is always a business day for me therefore just in case I forget I will take advantage of TweetLater and plan them ahead.

TweetDeck Even though I don’t use Tweetdeck all the time I can see the advantages to using the twitter tool. It allows you the opportunity to be able to view lots of messages at once, bulk delete direct messages and really see what is going on around you. I know many people on Twitter that solely use Tweetdeck for all their online tweets and wouldn't return to the original system even if they were offered money.

TweetBacks When I joined Twitter it was perfectly natural to have a plain background is a chosen colour as offered for free with all twitter accounts but times are changing and this is no longer acceptable. Even if you are not involved in internet marketing if you have a hobby get it solely about your interests. For example I have seen many sporty backgrounds even several Manchester United ones and they look great. Through Tweetbacks you can pick from a choice of designs that suit your image and personality for free.

Twitter Karma I love Twitter Karma it really gives you the opportunity to unfollow unwanted twitter followers in a matter of seconds. When we follow people on twitter we hate it when they don't return the favour and follow us back. Sometimes depending on the size of your followers it can take hours to do all the unfollowers but with this tool its doe in a couple of seconds. Even though I love this tool it is not recommended for larger followings I have 56,000 and because it shows them all on one screen whenever I try it the tool crashes. But when I have used it on clients accounts of 10,000-20,000 I have not had a problem.

TweetCloud Twitter isn't just a social networking site but a mini Google too. I often use it to search for a certain keyword and this tool makes it so much easier to get the most out of it. I could search for make money online for example and it would bring up the most recent tweets from this keyword. It would also give me a tag cloud showing all similar words searched on Twitter recently. If you are planning on chatting and you want new followers so your business you can refer to this to see what is hot right now.

Twitter Buttons Most of us that use Twitter for business will have some kind of Blog or Website that shows off our talents and it is a great place to get traffic back to your twitter account. By using Twitter Buttons you will get a lovely range of first class buttons to use in your campaign in order to bring your twitter exposure to the next level.

Twitter Stats Even though most of us wouldn't admit to it we all like to keep track of our statistics and this is the perfect twitter tool in order to do that. You can track pretty much everything that you have done with this gem. I took a break from writing this Blog post to see my latest stats and it shocks me by how much detail they actually go into. For example it told me who I had replied to the most and how many tweets I have made per month. I found out that I had tweeted more in April this year even though it never really felt any different to any other month.

Twitter Grader If you want to know whether or not what you tweet is good enough and whether people will like it this is the ultimate twitter tool. You can check out your percentage and see if you are part of the twitter elite community. This is when not having 100,000 followers can actually benefit you in the rankings. As twitter grader decides your placement based on your percentage and many of the top gurus with over 150,000 only have 95% or less. So this is your chance to look at your rating and get it up and moving.

TwitPic Twitter is all about telling people what is going on in your world via 140 characters or less but sometimes this just isn't right for you. If you have been part of a celebration you want to tell the world about it and been able to post a picture to your twitter account is the perfect way of doing it. I have used this service many times and it is well worthwhile checking it out. After all without services like this Demi Moore and her bum wouldn't have been world news!

So there you have it - that is my top ten twitter tools that everyone should own for their online business not matter what it is. Feel free to reply to this post with your favourite twitter tools.

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  1. New Comment
    Tim Franklin's Avatar
    Very nice, thanks for the good, information, it is good to see others that understand just how powerful twitter can be.
    Posted 23rd September 2009 at 03:49 PM by Tim Franklin Tim Franklin is offline

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