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EzineArticles – The holy grail of your affiliate marketing campaign

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Posted 14th December 2009 at 08:37 AM by dsmpublishing

Using in your affiliate marketing campaigns is a special thing because it really is so very effective. You have to open an account there and submit your article for review and once approved it goes live. Other webmasters will use your article on their websites as content and these will be backlinks to your blog/website. You also get a very valuable backlink with the article being on ezineaerticles itself.

The key to having succesful articles on there is that in the resource box you have a strong call to action which will make the reader feel obliged to click on the link back to your website.

When you have posted around 10 articles you will be classed as an expert and any future articles will go live in a far shorter period of time.

It is not uncommon to post an article and see it ranked on google the very same day so you can see why it is so popular amongst affiliate marketers and once you have a few articles up there it can amount to an avalanche of traffic and what's more the articles you write will be around for a long time and more than likely on many different websites.

The same thing applies here as to any other type of article writing, don't simply copy and paste parts of the article from other sources as this is extremely frowned upon and could end up with you getting your ezinearticles account closed.

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