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Increase Your Income After The Action

Posted 16th September 2011 at 04:20 PM by GarrieWilson (Garrie Wilson)

One of the most effective ways to make more money without doing any extra work is by implementing “after the action” methods.

By action, I mean any completed a task but typically it’s placing an order or subscribing to a list.

There are many ways to do this but here are the three methods that I get the most benefit from...

Continue reading on my blog by clicking the link below:

Increase Your Income After The Action
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Deadly Safelist Mistakes. Are You Making Them?

Posted 7th August 2011 at 10:27 AM by GarrieWilson (Garrie Wilson)

I always see people on forums saying safelifts don’t work. That they are a waste of time. Well, they are wrong. Safelists do work but you have to know how to make them work.

Below are 6 tips dealing with some of the deadliest safelist mistakes I see people making almost everyday and they cost them big time.

Before we get to the tips, you need to understand that these tips are not all inclusive and that results will vary and also depend on things like the offer....
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A New Look For Better Profits

Posted 23rd July 2011 at 06:54 PM by GarrieWilson (Garrie Wilson)

I sell a lot of master rights products and for the most part, the included sales letters/mini-sites are pretty good. Some are better than others but most of them are laid out in a professional manner and represent the product well.

However, I have gotten some that are aweful. Either they have poor sales copy, a poor layout, cheap looking graphics or all three BUT the product is really good.

If the problem is all three or a major sales copy issue, I either trash the...
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Reduce Refunds & Increase Customer Loyalty

Posted 22nd July 2011 at 11:30 PM by GarrieWilson (Garrie Wilson)

It seems that every few weeks someone is complaining about refunds. So I thought you might like the article I wrote some time ago.

You can read it at my blog by clicking the link below:

Reduce Refunds & Increase Customer Loyalty

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