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Allowing Other Internet Marketers To Post Content On Your Site
Posted 1st August 2011 at 12:36 PM by GT
Allowing Other Internet Marketers To Post Content On Your Site
Website owners have mixed feelings about this: how do YOU feel about allowing other Internet Marketers to post content on your site?
One school of thought has it that your content should be your own in order to highlight your expertise in your field of interest or marketing niche. Another perspective suggests that adding such outside content to your site is a good thing.
Warrior Forum member Martha Lipson asked about this in a forum topic thread where I offered the following as my personal opinion:
“Such an agreement can be beneficial for you (fresh content!), but make sure the article in question is well written, the topic is closely related to the theme or niche of your website, provides real value to your readers (not just a promo for some product or service), and that if it contains a link or two, those links point to the author's website (or a page on the website) and NOT to an affiliate page. (Also make sure the theme or niche of the author's website is related to yours and not some 'questionable' site.)
“Remember, any content you allow on your site is, in the eyes of your visitors, a reflection of your own beliefs, ethics and quality standards. You will be judged by this content.”
Fellow Warrior Forum member, Trent Brownrigg, a senior member of the WF, added a series of guidelines that he uses in such instances, noting that “if (the submitted) post doesn’t meet all of these then I won’t publish it,” and he informs people of that possibility ahead of time.
Trent’s exact guidelines are:
1) The post must be related to the content/niche of my blog.
2) Must be high quality and 100% original. Written exclusively for my blog.
3) Must not be spun, copied, or plagiarized.
4) Minimum of 400 words of useful content. No fluff and filler just to boost the word count.
5) Posts with an excessive amount of spelling and grammar errors will not be accepted.
6) You are allowed one link to your site in the post. The link must be to a site that is at least somewhat related to mine in niche/topic. Absolutely no links to adult, hate, gambling, banned, or other bad neighborhood sites will be accepted.
7) I get final approval of all posts. If I feel your post needs to be edited or deleted, for any reason, at any time, I reserve the right to do so. By sending a post you are agreeing that it becomes property of this website and its owner.
I appreciate Trent’s perspective on the issue and the guidelines he has shared.
The process of marketing online continues to evolve. While we need to be open to new methods of marketing, it is good to consider the implications of any changes we might want to make before we apply them to make sure they fit with our goals and purpose.
Quality content has become an increasingly important element in attracting traffic to our websites. Allowing other Internet Marketers to post articles and content on your site is a personal choice, but it is an option worth considering. What is your opinion on the issue?
Affiliate Power Central
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Website owners have mixed feelings about this: how do YOU feel about allowing other Internet Marketers to post content on your site?
One school of thought has it that your content should be your own in order to highlight your expertise in your field of interest or marketing niche. Another perspective suggests that adding such outside content to your site is a good thing.
Warrior Forum member Martha Lipson asked about this in a forum topic thread where I offered the following as my personal opinion:
“Such an agreement can be beneficial for you (fresh content!), but make sure the article in question is well written, the topic is closely related to the theme or niche of your website, provides real value to your readers (not just a promo for some product or service), and that if it contains a link or two, those links point to the author's website (or a page on the website) and NOT to an affiliate page. (Also make sure the theme or niche of the author's website is related to yours and not some 'questionable' site.)
“Remember, any content you allow on your site is, in the eyes of your visitors, a reflection of your own beliefs, ethics and quality standards. You will be judged by this content.”
Fellow Warrior Forum member, Trent Brownrigg, a senior member of the WF, added a series of guidelines that he uses in such instances, noting that “if (the submitted) post doesn’t meet all of these then I won’t publish it,” and he informs people of that possibility ahead of time.
Trent’s exact guidelines are:
1) The post must be related to the content/niche of my blog.
2) Must be high quality and 100% original. Written exclusively for my blog.
3) Must not be spun, copied, or plagiarized.
4) Minimum of 400 words of useful content. No fluff and filler just to boost the word count.
5) Posts with an excessive amount of spelling and grammar errors will not be accepted.
6) You are allowed one link to your site in the post. The link must be to a site that is at least somewhat related to mine in niche/topic. Absolutely no links to adult, hate, gambling, banned, or other bad neighborhood sites will be accepted.
7) I get final approval of all posts. If I feel your post needs to be edited or deleted, for any reason, at any time, I reserve the right to do so. By sending a post you are agreeing that it becomes property of this website and its owner.
I appreciate Trent’s perspective on the issue and the guidelines he has shared.
The process of marketing online continues to evolve. While we need to be open to new methods of marketing, it is good to consider the implications of any changes we might want to make before we apply them to make sure they fit with our goals and purpose.
Quality content has become an increasingly important element in attracting traffic to our websites. Allowing other Internet Marketers to post articles and content on your site is a personal choice, but it is an option worth considering. What is your opinion on the issue?
Affiliate Power Central
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