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Facebook Social Media Site Finally Gets Me

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Posted 21st August 2012 at 03:59 PM by GT

Facebook Social Media Site Finally Gets Me

Marketing friends who know me are having a field day with Facebook jokes. After I’ve been holding out for a very long time, the popular Social Media site has finally drawn me in!

I now have a Facebook profile and more importantly, a “page” designed to help feature my main Internet Marketing website. You can visit my FB page at Home Business Resources. “Like” it if you like it.

The reason I have been holding out is because I have some personal privacy concerns regarding FB. I know this may seem strange since I am so social in so many other places online.

The difference is those sites focus primarily on business and marketing. Until recently, Facebook seems to have focused mostly on laying bare for all the world to see everything about your personal life. (Okay. That may just be my opinion; a personal bias I’ve used as an excuse not to join FB and give the world all of my details.)

The reason I joined FB is because I realize how important it is to use a Social Media site like Facebook to help build your business presence online. It’s all part of building your brand and connecting with potential prospects and targeted consumers.

The reason I joined now is because a few of my Internet Marketing mentors have been encouraging me to do it and they have provided me with some additional training and incentive.

Am I happy with the decision? It is far too early to tell. I am not joyful about it because there is still so much I need to learn about how to use it purposefully and effectively. On the other hand, it has been an interesting experience so far.

Best of all, it gives me one more outlet, not only for business promotion, but also for creative expression. Friends in forums know that I have an opinion (right or wrong) about pretty much everything . . . and I am not usually shy about sharing it!

However, the purpose for my new Home Business Resources Facebook page is for business and marketing, so I am trying to be conservative with my comments and opinions there at this stage in the process.

Please feel welcome to stop by my page to see how it looks so far. There is a lot a person can do with a Social Media site like Facebook. I am still learning about the various features and finding my way around.

Affiliate Power Central
For more info on this topic, read my post, New Facebook Page For Home Business Resources.

~ ~ ~

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Total Comments 3


  1. New Comment
    cbader's Avatar
    Yeah, it's tough. I think your privacy concerns are legit. But yeah, it's also a great way to interact with potential customers.
    Posted 21st August 2012 at 04:25 PM by cbader cbader is offline
  2. New Comment
    GT's Avatar
    Thanks for reading and posting a comment! Much appreciated.

    There are things I like about Facebook and still some things I'm not sure I like. Maybe with experience I'll learn to love it more! lol

    Posted 21st August 2012 at 07:59 PM by GT GT is offline
  3. New Comment
    cbader's Avatar
    No prob. Interesting 5 minute forecast touches on this today. wroth the read: "Rich White Guys With No Life" | 5 Min. Forecast

    We don’t bring up Mr. Raub’s case to make you feel paranoid. Quite the opposite, in fact.
    “I completely disagree,” wrote Jeffrey Tucker via email recently, “with people who say that the answer to protecting privacy is to go into hiding, not use credit cards, stay off social media and don’t create a digital profile.

    “All these approaches have exactly the opposite effect: They let your captors, rather than you, define who you are. You make yourself more vulnerable, not less. The best approach is to get out there and define who you are in a way that you decide. You can actually outwit your captors by being a public person (of your own choosing), rather than by cowering in a corner with a blanket over your head.
    Posted 22nd August 2012 at 03:57 PM by cbader cbader is offline

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