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The Brimlock Breach of Buying Bonanza

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Posted 12th October 2008 at 10:54 AM by lakshaybehl

Brimlock Breach of Buying Bonanza!

A rainy evening….

Dim Lights…

Aroma of coffee…

No one’s around…

Just me and my love… Silence.

And as always… Brainstorming…

Wondering why people do it to themselves…

I had to do this someday!

An honest discussion with my heart and brain!

Bothers me to investigate into others lives…

Still I do… With Much ADO…

Why do they buy so much?

Why do they have to?

I mean its all there in just a few great products…

You don’t need to spend thousands or hundreds a month just buying internet marketing “How To” products. And I ask:- Are you still in the buying bonanza mode? Are you Still looking for ways to make money? Are you still not getting traffic? Are you still eating off the hands of my “Guru” friends?

OOPS… I let out a secret. Yes, Gurus are my friends. A lot of them I know. Personally. Professionally. And sometimes both ways, or rather both ways. Some of them are great people. Most aren’t! More about that later!

Its okay to have such friends. They are there to create info products for the rest of us. They do the research, they do the due diligence. You just pay for their hardwork and efforts. At the rate of a few cents an hour. You think, and I can see you shouting at me saying - “Isn’t it a deal when I get a guru doing all the research for me, testing for me and bringing to the table the best traffic methods ever known to the apes or their downlines?” You bet it is.

But thats not what frustrates me. My frustration is that “How Many” gurus do you want to employ? How many guru’s research and testing do you want to gain from? How many times are you willing to pay those 97 or 197 or 497 or 997? With one guru, its a few cents an hour. With more, it becomes a few dollars. Can you afford that?

That’s why, my friend, you need to have a control on your buying senses. Stick to one person in a sub section of a niche whom you think of as the best expert, and get in touch with them. Period.

Is it as easy as I made it sound? Of course NOT? In fact, getting hold of the top gurus and experts in any walk of life is pretty tough. And I say this because I know this. I’ve been there (where you are), I have seen it all, done it all. Not exactly a piece of cake.

But they say- “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. You always get what you want to get. And I am pretty sure. Life gives you more than one opportunity to get in touch with the people you really need to have around to help you. Sooner or later.

And that’s it. Just one person. Build a personal relationship with them. I’d say “Catch them while they’re Young”. Which means try to get hold of the people who are going to be superstars a few months down the line and who are not quite yet there. They are working hard to get there. They are making their share of mistakes. They are doing all the trial and error for you. And the best part? They are much easy to grab hold of.

Catch them when they are young!

P.M. them when they are young!

Contact them when they are young!

Make friends them when they are young!

Skype them when they are young!

Hold the tails of their coats. They run, you have to run. They fly, you will automatically fly.

And so to speak, this is a breach on the bank accounts of many of my Guru friends. They don’t want me to say this to you. They are annoyed. They are angry. And yet, they pot up a polite smile when they meet me. Why? They know what they have done. Caught me while I am young…. Or something like that! So to speak.

Its obviously a breach on their locked, over the top, up to the brim and overflowing cash accounts when I tell their prospects not to buy stuff from them all. When I say follow one persons advice, people start following mine. I don’t know why! Its pretty strange. Its maybe even insane… But yes, people do start following my advice.

I don’t need a 100,000 people on a database known to the downline of apes as list to make a $100,000 a month in profits. I can do that with a list of 2000 people. Its just $50 out of their pockets, and they employ me for the entire month. I delve into the world of the internet, find out all the secrets, lay it all bare to them.

I mean I only need as many people as I can build that solid relationship with! Who will think of me as an elder brother (or younger or their “The Best Friend” or their relative in some healthy manner) or someone who shares some bonds and existing ties from the previous birth. I know there are people who like to follow me. And I know there are people that will hate to follow me.

So what do I want?

Well not a huge chunk of change out of the pockets of the people who don’t really like me. As I say, if you don’t trust a person, you don’t buy from them. It’s as simple as that. I mean there is no need to.

I hate to say this!

But I have to say this.

You might not like it NOW!

You will obviously rejoice LATER!

That is, If you take my advice seriously TODAY!

And here it comes…

.. Don’t Buy everything…

.. Don’t buy from Everyone….

.. There are thousands of Guru’s out there…

..(Some even call me their friends) …

..(secretly call me names, I know) …

But just a handful are Friends…

These people don’t ask for much!

When they speak, you need to listen…

And remember while this is still valid…

Catch’em while they are young!

And that sums up…

The internal “MANTHAN” of my mind!

On this cool rainy evening…

Its just so beautiful when you start making money…

In stead of having to spend money all the time!

The Ferrari’s are there for the taking…

The Limo’s are out in the waiting…

You just have to shake hands…

With him- while he is young!

He who will guide you!

Who will hold hands….

And take you through!

Ahh, this aroma of thirsty soil…

When mixed with water.. Just Intoxicating!

As I keep this empty Mug of coffee…

A few moments ago that was filled with coffee…

I wonder why you don’t realize…

Life’s running out! Time’s running out!

Money can’t give you everything!

But sure, having enough of it helps…

When will you make the Dollar BLING?

Remember, Content is the King!

Right knowledge Plus Right Guidance…

And its all glory and bliss….

All the best to you. Need help? Contact me here or at my blog.
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  1. New Comment
    Loved your post. Message was well presented, interesting, and full of intrigue...read the entire post.

    I have this thing with words... especially if it's something new that captures my attention. And when it does I'm off and running. I have to find out more about it.

    Well, Brimlock Breach did just that.

    Imagine my surprise as I end up smack dab in the middle of a war with the daemon gods of chaos.

    Which I see clearly as the point you're making in your post.

    Buying, buying and more buying of 'guru' products creates an internal war of chaos. Especially if all you're
    doing is buying, reading and not applying.

    I also like how you segued into selecting one guru and how to do it. Good stuff.


    Posted 12th October 2008 at 11:52 AM by CWreports CWreports is offline
  2. New Comment
    lakshaybehl's Avatar

    Glad you appreciated it.

    Once upon a time long long ago in 2008, I had this idea... To send a poetic broadcast to my list. A launch was coming up for a small product that I'd created... I had nearly 500 people on my list at that time. Brimlock Breach was then born.

    Of course the message you see here is modified (heavily)... Brimlock breach continues to be what makes me stand out from everyone else... As far as the people on that list are concerned.

    Launch was close...
    I was sweating in my shoes...
    Thought I'd send'em
    Some don't's and do's...

    The were 5 hundred...
    At the subscribers count...
    I was blushing myself red...
    New treasure I had found...

    Brimlock was then born...
    Out of thin air...
    What happened when we went live...
    Jumped up my hair...

    1 hundred sales...
    In 6 hours...
    All at $297
    I Knew I'd some magic powers!

    Till date, i see that whenever I send out these poetic messages, my list loves me for them. And they buy like crazy. Now I only send these to my customers' lists.. not subscribers. I do not want this idea to be the basis for someone else's Major Product. I asm working on a product about this myself... and collecting proof and case studies. Also templatizing everything so anyone can follow.

    Poems alone have added at least $100K to my pocket since I started using them.

    Posted 20th April 2009 at 12:23 PM by lakshaybehl lakshaybehl is offline

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