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Other People's Traffic

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Posted 15th December 2016 at 02:43 PM by Mark-Dickenson

There is a principle in wealth creation called Other People's money.

The idea is to use other people's money to control assets and leverage those assets into a surplus.

There was even a movie about it starring
Danny DeVito in the role of "Larry the Liquidator"

The same principle is being used now by the top
Clickbank earners...and will continue to be
as long as the internet is around.

You see, while everyone is spinning
their wheels trying to keep
up with all of the latest changes
on Google and Facebook,
the smart marketers are building assets.

When you have assets(products) it
is like the game Monopoly. The
more you have, the more you get paid.

And when you have assets, other people will send you traffic.

They may only break even(or even lose money) but you will paid.

It's a pretty cool feeling when you
are at happy hr or out
enjoying dinner with your family
and see email notifications
saying "You just made a sale"

And when you have assets, you can
sell them for 10-15 times
their monthly earnings.

So if you are tired of spinning your wheels
on loopholes and trying
to master all of the traffic methods,
I recommend focusing
on creating assets instead.

It's a heck of a lot easier.

If you would like the easier way,
you can still get 50% off my
coaching program here:

-Mark Dickenson
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