Click For Cash ppc The facts
Posted 28th June 2009 at 11:14 AM by mysteryleaves
Hi their seems to be loads of ppc (paid to click) sites popping up everywhere
The key to a good one is the advertising rate if they sell 1000 clicks for a doller and pay their members 5c a click the maths dont work normanly they are scam sites as they cant pay their members when its time to cash out.For safty go for site that charge at least $11 per 1000 clicks (views)and members rates are 0.01 and lower.
I have seen sites offering members upto $1 a click which seems to be a scam site as hpow can they pay out when they charge only a few dollers for 1000 clicks
Here are a couple of good sites that pay out
The key to a good one is the advertising rate if they sell 1000 clicks for a doller and pay their members 5c a click the maths dont work normanly they are scam sites as they cant pay their members when its time to cash out.For safty go for site that charge at least $11 per 1000 clicks (views)and members rates are 0.01 and lower.
I have seen sites offering members upto $1 a click which seems to be a scam site as hpow can they pay out when they charge only a few dollers for 1000 clicks
Here are a couple of good sites that pay out
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