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10khustle.com - $10,000 Marketing Experiment - 10 people, 10 startups - 10K

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Posted 9th January 2011 at 03:35 PM by ncmedia

Well I tried putting this on the board, got hustled Sorry WaFo - I'm trying to do a GOOD thing here please help!

In short, I'm taking 10 people, and giving them $1,000 plus 5-10K in promo each, to make their business grow (or fail) using their talents/great unique bizops, and my resources. (I'm over resourced as stupid as that sounds, and would rather play with some underdogs than throw money at ads or at another project - this is karma - this is an underdog movement for anyone that was ever in my shoes way back when. And I know this board is full of you!).

I'm documenting the whole thing online and positioning it as a web based reality show from home from a collective of cameras. I'll be using my own and if I get a few people locally we may be doing a few on the spot episodes w/them.

All I ask is that you pay it forward and get someone you know involved. I may well be visiting these 10 in person over time as the businesses grow, and as the karma about this spreads.. . .



Please support and tell at least one person you know today, or spread the karma with at least one network.

If you REALLY want to help once you see what I've setup, please donate one spot in your siglinks on any forums you're on to get some awareness going.

Thank you, please get involved! If we don't get enough submissions by the end of Feb'ish, I'm going to close this up but I don't see that happenin', I know YOU want to see this go through, right??

Push it/spread it:

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    Janet Sawyer's Avatar

    This would get more exposure in the Competition section of the board.
    Posted 10th January 2011 at 11:45 AM by Janet Sawyer Janet Sawyer is offline

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