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9 Facebook Strategies to Wake up Your Sleepy Audience and Make Your Voice Heard

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Posted 9th January 2015 at 10:04 PM by Nick Logan

Last time I wrote about how to increase engagement on Facebook. You can read the article here. Today I want to share with you some additional tips how you can wake up your lazy fans and make yourself heard!

But first, let me invite you to read my new ebook: Facebook Marketing For Business. You will discover effective advertising tips, tricks & strategies to generate traffic and boost sales. I am sure you will love the ideas and implement them soon after you’ll finish reading the book. They are working – trust me!

Post “In-Your-Face” Images!

You know the small sized images that appear when you post a link on your Facebook wall? Don’t you hate that? It looks like people need telescopes in order to read the text beneath the picture.

Instead of going for the easy way, go on the less-traveled path to success.

Upload your custom-sized images and tidy up the url link with the help of Bitly, a free online link shortener software.

A larger image will definitely grab the users’ attention, and if you opt for a text overlay image, you are bound to succeed.

So, the next time you post, you make sure to upload the image and embed the tidy url, which oozes with professionalism.

More about images and how you can use them to engage more Facebook fans read in this article:

5 Tips to Create Facebook Ad Images that Engage Your Targeted Audience

Motion is underrated!

The vast majority of social media gurus know that videos have extremely high engagement rates, so it would be crazy not to use this strategy.

While Red Bull has a huge base of followers thanks to their high-quality, visually captivating video content which you cannot copy, you can always rely on your fans to produce some amazing video.

If you don’t have the time for video production, go on Fiverr, post a “gig”, and for 5 dollars only, you can be presented with a superb quality video.

Fiverr is an amazing platform for various businesses, and if you are not acquainted with it, please read these two posts:

Fiverr – The Freelancing Disneyland!
The Most Popular Fiverr Gigs

Reinvent yourself anew!

I am not talking about some spiritual mumbo-jumbo, I am referring to your cover photo. Change your cover photo with the change of seasons, or better, try to think in terms of monthly holidays.

In October, go with a Halloween theme, in November with Thanksgiving theme, in December with Christmas, in January with New Year theme, in February with Valentine, in March with Spring theme, in April with spring showers theme, in May with flowers, in June with a Summer theme, in June with beach, in August with cocktails and in September with Fall theme. (I presume you get the idea).

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